
m.W. nicht als "alt" belegt...=>"ham radio operator" (Schauungen & Prophezeiungen)

BBouvier @, Montag, 29.12.2009, 16:07 (vor 5614 Tagen) @ Alex (6774 Aufrufe)

Hallo, Alex!

Ich zum beispiel finde Kalifornien Vision "hochkarätig",
einfach weil dort schon 1970 von Handys die Rede ist,
und so weiter.
Nur hat die ja leider wenig
mit uns und dem 3 WK zu tun.

Mit gewisser Wahrscheinlichkeit handelt es sich bei der "Schau"
um eine Komplettfälschung, enthält wenigstens offenbar "Zusätze"
aus der Zeit, als Johnson US-Präsident war.
Meines Wissens lässt sich der Text nicht besonders weit
"zurück" überhaupt belegen.

Textauszüge von dem angeblichen Joe Brandt (1937):
"but there were a lot of guys about my age
with beards and wearing, some of them, earrings.
All the girls wore real short skirts…"
=> Hippies und Miniröcke der 60er
"I saw a newspaper on the corner with a picture
of the president.
It surely wasn't Mr. Roosevelt.
He was bigger, heavier, big ears.
If it wasn't 1937, I wondered what year it was.
It looked like 1969..."
=> definitiv Johnson, und sogar die völlig
korrekte Jahreszahl!
Offenbar ist die deutsche Übersetzung gekürzt,
denn im Original liest man dieses:
"I wasn't sure of time, now. ENGLAND.....
huge floods-but no tidal waves.
Water, water everywhere, but no one going into the sea.
People were frightened and crying.
Some places they fell in the streets on their knees
and started to pray for the world.
I didn't know the English were emotional.
Ireland, Scotland-all kinds of churches
were crowded-it seemed night and day.
People were carrying candles and everybody
was crying for California, Nevada, parts of Colorado-
maybe all of it, even Utah."
=> von hier:
Darunter steht:
"Previously published in
"California Super quake 1975-1977>"
written by Paul James.
Again published in
"When the Comet Runs" by Tom Kay, 1997"
Angeblich sieht er 1937 Fernsehen:
" There were picture stations with movies - some right
in Hollywood - these were carrying on, with all the shaking.
One fellow ( in the picture (TV) station)
was a little short guy who should have been scared to death.
But he wasn't. He kept shouting and reading instructions."
Aber das wundert ihn überhaupt nicht!
(ein massiver Indikator für unbedachte Fälschung)
Im Text steht:
"That was when I saw the "ham radio operators".
I saw them in the oddest places,
as if I were right there with them.
Like the little guy with glasses.
They kept sounding the alarm.
One kept saying: "This is California.
We are going into the sea. This is California.
We are going into the sea..."

Von "Handys" keine Spur!
Ein "ham radio operator" ist ein:
(Zitat Wikipedia)
" An amateur radio operator
is an individual who typically uses equipment
at an amateur radio station
to engage in two-way personal communications
with other similar individuals on radio frequencies
assigned to the amateur radio service."
=> Es handelt sich also dabei um schlichte
Amateurfunker mit ortsfesten Anlagen.
Er sitzt nämlich an seinem Tisch!
"But I could see him.
He was inland, but the waters had come in.
His hand was still clinging to the table,
he was trying to get up,
so that once again he could say:
"This is California we are going into the sea."

Bis mich überzeugende Gegenargumente eines
besseren belehren:
Eine Fälschung aus den 60ern.


- es ist gemein, Blinden Stummfilme zu zeigen
- eine schöne Theorie sollte man sich mit Forschung nicht kaputt machen
- Irlmaier: "Ein Mann erzählt das, was er irgendwo mal gelesen hat."

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