Dieser Traum, erinnet sehr stark an den Himmelskörper, der immer wieder in mutmaßlich präkognitiven Visionen vorkommt (Schauungen & Prophezeiungen)

Explorer, Dienstag, 02.07.2019, 16:55 (vor 1774 Tagen) @ Sagitta (567 Aufrufe)


Hab folgendes beim kurzen googeln gefunden, das entspricht eigentlich 1:1 dem hier besprocchenen Himmelskörper, oder?

I have had several similar dreams about a red mass, witch looks a bit larger then a full mood. It was red and had creators in it. This is just one of the few that I have had. I was in my garage, and looked up and noticed the red mass in the sky. I sat down on my lawn and looked at for a while. Chemclouds started to cover it. I notice my neighbor walking over to get his mail. (for some reason his mail box was on my lawn.) He was mad at me cause I was going threw his mail right before he came over, while i was looking at the red mass. I asked him to look up and he was asking me why, almost as if he knew it was their but did not want to look. By the time I got him to look up the clouds had covered it, but it was still shining threw very faintly. When he looked up you could tell he noticed it, but while he was looking it was only visible for couple seconds then the clouds almost completely covered it. All you could see was a faint red circle. He called me crazy then walked off. I stayed on the lawn staring at it. Has any one else had similar dreams?


Grüße Explorer

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