
Atom bomb generated waves - "Operation Crossroads" 1946 (Schauungen & Prophezeiungen)

basey, Montag, 28.05.2018, 19:30 (vor 2186 Tagen) @ BBouvier (2192 Aufrufe)

Hello, BB + all...

Egyptian magazine Al-Osboa claimed that the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami was intentionally caused by a nuclear weapon detonated in a strategic position under the ocean.

A 1968 research report sponsored by the US Office of Naval Research addressed the hypothesis of coastal damage due to large explosion-generated waves, and found theoretical and experimental evidence showing it to be relatively inefficient in wave-making potential, with most wave energy dissipated by breaking on the continental shelf before reaching the shore.

Operation Crossroads Pacific Nuclear Test (23 kilotons TNT equiv.)- only 2m high waves seen here:

lg - Basey (als Ami zu doof das alles zu uebersetzen :-D )

REF: https://www.worldcat.org/title/project-seal-the-generation-of-waves-by-means-of-explosives/oclc/31071831

"Man kann sich nicht für eine Krise vorbereiten, wenn man mittendrin steckt"

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