Laser auf Flugzeugen in zwei bis drei Jahren (Schauungen & Prophezeiungen)

Roland, Dienstag, 30.05.2017, 12:30 (vor 2530 Tagen) (1881 Aufrufe)
bearbeitet von Roland, Dienstag, 30.05.2017, 12:56

Hallo Taurec,

womöglich wird die Entwicklung von Lasern auf Flugzeugen doch nicht so lange auf sich warten lassen. In zwei bis drei Jahren schon könnten Flugzeuge mit Lasertechnik Fahrzeuge am Boden gefechtsunfähig schiessen, wie folgender Artikel berichtet:

The laser generates its beam through fiber optic cables like those used by telecom companies, said Robert Afzal, a senior fellow for laser and sensor systems at Lockheed.

"We demonstrated that we could combine large number of these fiber lasers and link them to a weapons system," he said.

Lasers are very efficient at converting electrical power to a laser beam, Afzal said.

That's important for the platforms that carry them, he said. It means they don't need a large generator or cooling system and that high-powered lasers can be easily transported.

"This was the key puzzle piece that needed to be solved before we could begin to deploy these laser weapons," Afzal said. "The technology is getting real. It's the dawn of a new era where the tech can be made smaller and powerful enough to be put on vehicles, ships and aircraft."

Scientists showed the potential of more powerful laser weapons in 2015 by burning a hole through a truck's hood at a range of one mile.

"It was the most efficient high-powered laser ever demonstrated," Afazal said of the test, which mimicked what might happen if a laser was fired at a vehicle from an aircraft.

During an operation, a laser might be used to disable a vehicle where the goal was to capture rather than kill an individual, Ruszkowski said.

"The laser is a surgical weapon and it's something customers are interested in," Afazal said. "Something like that can be easily integrated into an AC-130 gunship. That is something the Air Force is planning on demonstrating in the next two to three years."

Researchers believe they have the key ingredients to make such a system work, Ruszkowski said.

"When we realized that laser technology was maturing enough that we could be close to having something we could integrate on an aircraft we started looking at other difficulties that might arise," he said.

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