Re: Coinneach Odhar, Schottland um 1700 ....

Geschrieben von mica am 23. Oktober 2004 14:11:12:

Als Antwort auf: Coinneach Odhar, Schottland um 1700 .... geschrieben von offthspc am 22. Oktober 2004 22:53:09:

>"The day will come when the jaw-bone of the big sheep, or 'caoirich mhora,' will put the plough on the rafters (air an aradh); when sheep shall become so numerous that the bleating of the one shall be heard by the other from Conchra in Lochalsh to Bun-da-Loch in Kintail they shall be at their height in price, and henceforth will go back and deteriorate, until they disappear altogether, and be so thoroughly forgotten that a man finding the jaw-bone of a sheep in a cairn, will not recognise it, or be able to tell what animal it belonged to. The ancient proprietors of the soil shall give peace to strange merchant proprietors, and the whole Highlands will become one huge deer forest; the whole country will be so utterly desolated and depopulated that the crow of a cock shall not be heard north of Druim-Uachdair; the people will emigrate to Islands now unknown, but which shall yet be discovered in the boundless oceans, after which the deer and other wild animals in the huge wilderness shall be exterminated and drowned by horrid black rains (siantan dubha). The people will then return and take undisturbed possession of the lans of their ancestors."

Hallo offthspc,

das ist der große Wunsch der Schotten, dass ihr Land wieder frei ist von Fremdherrschaft, freies Siedeln wieder möglich und es einst wieder mit Wald bewachsen sein wird. Scheint aber noch in fernerer Zukunft zu liegen? ...außer es gibt einen gewaltigen ökologischen Zusammenbruch....



  • Re: Schottland/Nostradamus BBouvier 23.10.2004 18:01 (1)