2014: Das Jahr der wahren Veränderungen - mögliche Schauung? (Schauungen & Prophezeiungen)

Rubaschow, Sonntag, 20.04.2014, 12:17 (vor 3682 Tagen) (3312 Aufrufe)
bearbeitet von Rubaschow, Sonntag, 20.04.2014, 12:45

Hallo zusammen,

darf ich Euch um Eure Meinung zu diesem möglichen Seher (OP) fragen? :


Zu obigem Beitrag folgten noch eine Reihe an Ergänzungen auf den folgenden Seiten, von denen ich hier einige herausgeschrieben habe:

am 10.3.2014 schrieb er: Chile, Perú will see earthquake near their capital cities. Santiago and near Lima. Lima will break a little angle into the sea, later on, this year.

Prophecies are about to start coming alive as the Peace Treaty with Israel is signed around May 24th, 2014.

Zur Invasion ergänzt er im weiteren Forumsverlauf:

When the assassination happens in Yugoslavia, the Eagle will no longer walk... The invading army leaves from Ukraine into Romania and then Yugoslavia where it turns North West.

Russia will attack Turkey and will overcome it, yet it will want to remain there, and will not be able to keep Turkey. Greece, which will not take part of the war, will be able to invade and retain Turkey, after small battles at the sea, near the coast, in the area where there are a lot of small islands, near the coast of Turkey. Then, after loosening the grip on Turkey, Russia will head toward Israel...Israel will be surrounded.

As war starts, later this year, with the US out of the picture, a large celestial body will appear in the sky, while war continues. Humanity will be concerned with war, hunger and plagues, revolution everywhere and will not pay much attention to anything else.
I speak about red skies, red rain, red dust, red. Red is engulfing the world as Russia engulfs Europe and as Communitarism is the new word that will be used after communism and capitalism die.
A few objects will crash onto the Earth, one ending the invasion of Germany and others which will leave a lot of dust and gases which will trigger 3 days of darkness. That marks the advent of the antiChrist reigning of this world, but many people will die in these 3 days for not following the rules and not knowing what to do and how to proceed.

Gleichzeitig schreibt jemand im Forum: OP is away in religious holiday. I was told to answer for him a few important stuff and I barely was able to visit the thread. He spoke about this prediction already and you´re correct. This one isn´t for 2014, but ut remains YEARLESS, probably after 2020.

WWIII will not start due to the sad events of snipers shooting on civilians and policemen, while protests are paid and organized by the United States and NATO.
However, this will anger the Bear and unite some countries more, against the United States.

Israel has a chance to attack Iran, while Russia has an eye on Ukraine and the US moving her pieces through the Bosphorous, but it won´t.

Ich weiß, die allgemeine Forumsinterpretation ist, dass der Russlandfeldzug mindestens noch drei Jahre auf sich warten lässt, aber er schreibt auch das hier:

The Eagle will take the arrows in her pristine flesh and feathers, while thinking she is preying on.
The invasion of Europe will be after the Summer has passed. I saw people celebrating, beer in hand at a tavern, dancing, while the Russian soldiers passed by and a Russian soldier looked in, dressed in black, full gear or very dark green uniform, only to continue, not stopping or being stopped nor challenged by anyone or anything.
I didn´t see any Americans challenge Russia, at all. NATO will be headless.
Any conclusions?

I see October 2014 as the start of WWIII. Even if Ukraine seems to be building up, I don´t think it will start WWIII, but in a short time, the Eagle will get its just desserts, as written here.
Zu “The King has died and the throne is vacant. TPTB keep the throne vacant at all costs,” ergänzt er:

3/8/2014 12:58 PM: This month, March, is the beginning. Hopefully people will not want my words to mean a great and sudden death of the dollar is coming. I mean it is going to be swift, but such a great currency, the King, doesn´t fall from one day to the next.

In the coming months, you will see GOLD and SILVER crash, as well, so China and Russia do not get a prominent position. The business is in London and they don´t want to move away from the center of power, even though you see an illusion of them propping China. China will fall shortly, very shortly after the US dollar and you will see a great carnage. A revolution of over 1´000,000,000 people will certainly not go unnoticed, nor it will be light. Of course, that will not happen in 2014.

Da der Seher im Antichrist eine derzeit lebende Person sieht (und keine Geisteshaltung) wollte ich ihm anfänglich keinen Glauben schenken. Weil aber der Mai sehr nah ist und seine Schauungen mir nicht aus dem Kopf gehen, bitte ich trotzdem um eine professionellere Ansicht.

Viele Grüße

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