Kohäsion vs. Diskohäsion - Kurztheorie und 'Anschauungsmaterial'

Geschrieben von Andreas am 06. Oktober 2003 03:48:02:

Man lese zunächst die theoretischen Aussagen und dann die Aussagen im Interview (Link unten angegeben). Es geht mir nicht um die Schürung von Ressentiments oder um eine politische Stellungnahme sondern um eine Anwendung von Widdowson's Begriff cohesion/discohesion


Social relationships were defined in terms of shared goals and shared ideas about goals. Another way of putting this is to say that a social relationship implies shared values, attitudes and beliefs (VAB). You cannot directly see a persons VAB. People advertise their VAB through symbols--usually visual (flags, team colours, modes of dress) or linguistic (accents, jargons). A strongly religious society is one in which people strongly share the VAB of the religion--it has a high level of cohesion.


moral behaviour
'moral' behaviour is essentially behaviour conforming to the mores, i.e. the VAB of a society; if actors share VAB, they will behave in a seemingly moral way; a society in which VAB are not strongly shared will seem to be amoral--"anything goes"

a cohesive society has a strongly shared set of VAB; it does not readily accommodate new VAB.

active maintenance
adhering closely to the mores of a society is not easy; some actors at least will chafe under the restrictions and will seek to express their individuality; to maintain cohesion, it is necessary to work continually against this tendency, reinforcing standards of behaviour; a cohesive society therefore appears to be intolerant.

legitimate behaviour is behaviour that corresponds to what is believed to be right; if actors behave in accordance with widely shared VAB, their behaviour will appear to be legitimate (if they transgress those VAB, their behaviour will seem illegitimate); social relationships can legitimise other networks of relationships; for instance, if subjects share in the belief that the king has a right to rule, the institution of kingship (a political phenomenon) is legitimised; astute monarchs have closely associated themselves with their society's religion in order to secure legitimacy.

if actors share their goals they display loyalty towards each other and commitment to the overall social unit; people in cohesive societies display a high level of civic responsibility.

As with integration and organisation, there is a paradox to cohesion. People like to live in a moral society, but they do not like the constraints and denial of self-realisation that that entails.


Hier geht's zum InterviewInterview.
