Iran has crossed the point of no-return to a nuclear weapon
Geschrieben von Zwobbel am 11. Januar 2006 11:13:35:
Als Antwort auf: Nachrichten 11.1.06 geschrieben von Zwobbel am 11. Januar 2006 11:11:33:
Iran has crossed the point of no-return to a nuclear weapon
The seals to shut down equipment for making centrifuges for the enrichment of uranium were affixed two years ago by the UN nuclear watchdog’s inspectors at the subterranean Natanz facility.During this period, Tehran broke one pledge after another and defied every international rebuke, as diplomacy led by France, Britain and Germany, alternated with unfulfilled threats of UN sanctions, to grant the Iranians precious time to forge ahead with its atomic weapons program. ...
- Re: Iran has crossed the point of no-return to a nuclear weapon Hubert 11.1.2006 12:04 (12)
- Re: Iran has crossed the point of no-return to a nuclear weapon Zwobbel 11.1.2006 12:29 (11)
- Re: Iran has crossed the point of no-return to a nuclear weapon Hubert 11.1.2006 12:45 (10)
- Re: Iran has crossed the point of no-return to a nuclear weapon Hubert 11.1.2006 19:55 (9)
- Re: Iran has crossed the point of no-return to a nuclear weapon tascha 12.1.2006 08:32 (4)
- Re: Iran has crossed the point of no-return to a nuclear weapon Hubert 12.1.2006 10:29 (0)
- Re: Iran has crossed the point of no-return- Öffnen von Siegeln Zwobbel 12.1.2006 09:12 (2)
- Re: Iran has crossed the point of no-return- Öffnen von Siegeln Ruhmraff 12.1.2006 21:54 (0)
- Re: Iran has crossed the point of no-return- Öffnen von Siegeln tascha 12.1.2006 10:02 (0)
- Re: Iran has crossed the point of no-return - so ein Zufall Zwobbel 12.1.2006 08:25 (3)
- Re: Iran has crossed the point of no-return - so ein Zufall Hubert 12.1.2006 14:58 (2)
- Re: Iran has crossed the point of no-return - so ein Zufall Hubert 13.1.2006 08:29 (0)
- Re: Iran has crossed the point of no-return - so ein Zufall Zwobbel 12.1.2006 15:28 (0)