Neues zum 73P-Kometen
Geschrieben von PinguinTS PinguinTS am 13. April 2006 11:08:45:
Hab in einem anderen Forum gerade einen interessanten Beitrag zum 73P Schwassmann-Wachmann gefunden:
Dem zufolge soll ein Impact schon am 25 Mai erfolgen !!!
"In the article, he argues that a fundamentally important event is going to confront humanity on May 25, 2006. He argues that a small
fragment of the comet 73P Schwassmann-Wachmann is very likely to
impact the Earth with devastating effect. Using data extrapolated from
crop circles and NASA simulations of the comet's trajectory, he dates
the likely event on or near May 25. He argues that the comet fragment
is too small to be detected by the scientific community until the last
few days or hours before its impact. He further argues that the
comet's mysterious fragmentation in 1995 was due to extraterrestrials
frustrated with the hostility shown by 'shadow governments'
controlling ET/UFO information, and the continued secrecy policy in
place for over 60 years. He finally argues that the May 25 event is
tied in to the present policy of the Bush administration supporting
the preemptive use of nuclear weapons against Iran, and the effect of
nuclear weapons on the space time continuum used by extraterrestrials."Den vollen Artikel gibts auch als PDF:
KlickLICHTvolle Grüße
- Re: 22.2.2007 - ohne Strohhalm FranzLiszt 14.04.2006 15:39 (2)
- Re: 22.2.2007 - ohne Strohhalm detlef 14.04.2006 16:59 (1)
- Komponente B zerfällt Cephiro 14.04.2006 17:27 (0)
- Re: Neues zum 73P-Kometen Humorvoller Bunkerbauer 14.04.2006 05:50 (0)
- Re: Neues zum 73P-Kometen detlef 13.04.2006 13:36 (6)
- Re: Neues zum 73P-Kometen Trickster 13.04.2006 21:22 (5)
- Re: Strohhalmspalterei? (n/t) FranzLiszt 13.04.2006 22:58 (1)
- Re: Strohhalmspalterei? (n/t) detlef 13.04.2006 23:32 (0)
- isch´a n´büsch´n schwach, die erklaerung... (n/t) detlef 13.04.2006 22:47 (2)
- Re: isch´a n´büsch´n schwach, die erklaerung... (n/t) Trickster 15.04.2006 11:05 (1)
- Re: isch´a n´büsch´n schwach, die erklaerung... (n/t) detlef 15.04.2006 11:28 (0)
- Hat sich da jemand einen schönen Spass erlaubt? *gg* Georg 13.04.2006 13:21 (0)
- Re: Neues zum 73P-Kometen BBouvier 13.04.2006 12:15 (0)
- Re: Neues zum 73P-Kometen Starfire 13.04.2006 11:14 (1)
- Re: Neues zum 73P-Kometen Harry 14.04.2006 18:39 (0)