RVer und Hellsichtige über unsere Zuku(ü)nft(e)
Geschrieben von mica am 23. Oktober 2003 23:59:48:
Guten Abend,
hier bringe ich zwei Zusammenfassungen aus Interviews in der "Coast to Coast"-Radio-Show. Gäste waren Ed Dames und Silvia Browne. Im Original ist noch mehr zu finden, ich versuchte nur eine Essenz daraus zu ziehen.
Auch gibts im Link noch jede Menge anderer interessanter Gäste, nehmt euch Zeit zu lesen.
Ed Dames hat als Remote Viewer für die US-Regierung gearbeitet. Aus aktuellem Anlaß - derzeitige Sonnenaktivität - hier ein Textauszug vorne weg:
"There will be a sunburst, CME, which will result in a large catastrophe. It will produce an effect in the sky that you can see coming, but can't avoid. There will be a massive loss of life. Many scientists say there have been extinction cycles, some of which have been caused by the sun."
"Eine Plasmaeruption wird zu eienr großen Katastrophe führen; sie verursacht ein Zeichen am Himmel, man wirds kommen sehen, aber niemand kann es abwenden."
Muss ja nicht jetzt sein, wollt`s nur erwähnt haben.
Dames spricht auch über Nordkorea. Es zündet eine Nuklearbombe über dme Pazifik um dem Westen seine Stärke zu demonstrieren.
Wie bei Chet B. Snow siehter überdachte Siedlungen, da die Landschaft zu unwirtlich, trocken oder verseucht ist.
Migration infolge Wasserknappheit, Ernteausfällen und Nahrungsmangel
Tornados an nie betroffenen Orten
Über Titan, den 4. Saturn-Mond und Mars
Silvia BrowneWie bei Chet B. Snow sieht sie überdachte Siedlungen, da die Landschaft zu unwirtlich, trocken oder verseucht ist.
Sie kann die Zukunft nur bis 2100 sehen. Wie schon im 2003-Thread weiter unten erwähnt, meint sie auch, daß 2012 nicht unbedingt DAS Jahr ist.
Die Westküste der USA wird 2026 verschwinden, ein großer Teil Japans von Tsunamis ausgelöscht, Hawaii hebt sich, ein neue Landmasse ensteht dort.
Es wird viele kleinere Kriege geben, aber keinen Weltkrieg.
Das "Ende der Welt" wird sanft herbei kommen, nicht mit einem großen Paukenschlag, es ändert sich fließend.
Entschuldigt die rüde Übersetzung, aber es ist schon sehr spät und der Arm tut mir weh beim Schreiben.
Liebe Grüße
micaEd Dames (8-12/13)
Ed is going to teach Technical Remote Viewing at a university in China. They are already using TRV, so "if you can't fight them, join them." He has used TRV to find Russian and Chinese remoter viewers to recruit them to spy for the U.S. Basically remote viewers are trained psychics and are more accurate than natural psychics who are not consistent and cannot tell when they are crossing over into imagination. TRV has to validate its usefulness and accuracy. TRV operates in the 5th dimension, which is Universal Mind, which remembers the past and future.
Titan was remote viewed a couple of years ago by a team of Russians and Americans and was discovered to have seas, with a sponge like organism living in them. Two weeks ago, NASA confirmed that Titan, the 4th moon out from Saturn, and it's largest, has seas.
In the near future the U.S. won't be able to grow crops like we used to as there won't be any seasons. Some areas will be a no-mans-land and we will have to grow crops in a sealed environment, to which humans will migrate. If you are not near a lot of fresh water, you are in trouble. People will begin migrating out of cities because of water shortages. Food will be controlled by governments, people will starve. There will be major tornadoes in places where they have never been seen before. Rocky Flats in Colorado no longer has any nuclear material stored there but the top layer, 1 cm, of soil is contaminated. If high winds, such as a tornado, rolls across that land, it's going to be fall out city in Denver.
There will be a sunburst, CME, which will result in a large catastrophe. It will produce an effect in the sky that you can see coming, but can't avoid. There will be a massive loss of life. Many scientists say there have been extinction cycles, some of which have been caused by the sun.
North Korea will launch a missile with a nuclear warhead which will detonate over the Pacific Ocean. There will be mass indignation and we will do anything to stop that from happening again. It is a diabolical plan to get concessions out of the international community without the risk of causing attack to themselves. They will probably announce it ahead of time. They are the most deadly threat we face right now. Ed is 85% sure of his prediction.
Ed is a called Dr. Doom because he spent quite a lot of time briefing at the White House, the Dept. of the Army's prospectus on exotic weapons. He briefed U.S. intelligence on non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation weapons, biochemical weapons, etc. He told them how many exotic ways others had to kill a man and what the Soviets may be developing. The weapons were pretty exotic and scary. White house officials thought in terms of hardware, airplanes, etc.,, but when Ed briefed them it was, "This is how you are going to die when this weapon is used. It will be slow and excruciating, it will be delayed reaction and on and on." Hence the name Dr. Doom.
Mother and infant could be used as bait to attract ET's. Contact will not occur until they have concluded something about us. We continue to look at visitors in terms of their technology, but this is not about technology. They are interested in what we are capable of knowing and doing as humans. We can look at them with RV and then make contact. We need to reach their mind by using unconsciousness tools. When we do that we will see that many of these visitors are sub-creators, they are not the Creator, but were involved in our creation. Because of that they are very interested in us, in our survival and ideas about life on earth, and about Homo sapiens. That idea is best expressed by the union of mother and child. He knows of no one being killed or injured by ET's. There is a lot of smoke and mirrors with ET; this is purposeful because they want us to develop a way to get behind the smoke and mirrors to see who they really are, then, there will be contact. He thinks there is a "prime directive". They are pushing the limit, trying to get our attention. That is why there is so much activity now. They want us to solve this problem, but, we keep looking at their technology. It's not about technology, it is about being human, humanness.
Mars is a way-station. There are parking lots on our moon and Mars subsurface, below the surface. There are robotic, sentient robots, parked there. They are beginning to stir. They have been there a long time.
There are 3-4 types of contrails; #4 is classified, deals with defense of nation.
We have to get through hard times, but there is something special waiting for our grandchildren; the possibility of membership in a federation of other beings that are trading and working together throughout other galaxies. Project Starman, Ed's attempt at contact, has made no progress at this time. It's their timing, not ours.
The third secret of Fatima is Revelations 6th seal. The 6th seal has been opened.
The anti-christ is alive as an infant right now. The baby was born this year or last and was thrown into a dumpster right after birth, but, was retrieved from the garbage. Ed would not say where on earth the baby was born.Sylvia Brown (8-11/12)
sees us living in domed cities in another 30-40 years, because our atmosphere is deteriorating, partly because of the fuel used to launch rockets. The fuel tears the atmosphere almost like a run in pantyhose, it burns through the atmosphere. Scientists have told Art the same thing. We have become the enemy, the cancer that is growing on the face of the earth.
We will have little skirmishes, but there will be no major world wars. Sylvia can see the future, but not beyond the year 2100. She doesn't know if that is because there is a limit to how far ahead she can see, or if there is nothing left to see then.
Gene therapy will irradicate illness such as cancer, MS, etc., but a lot of immune deficiency disorders are increasing, such as fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. The body is responding to atmospheric conditions and the cellular structure is breaking down as the atmosphere is breaking down. Protein insulates cell structure, so people should eat more protein to protect themselves.
People used to be able to walk out of their bodies when death was near. When people become more spiritual they will not suffer when near death, they will know when the time is right and leave the body, sort of will themselves to go. There is a dimension on top of this one, that has libraries, lecture halls, etc. The landscape on the other side is the same, except there are no physical problems. This side is an illusion the other side is real. Here we play our parts and learn. Those on the other side still learn. They are more solid than we are, our molecular structure is hung together loosely, the physics is opposite. There are levels of knowledge and growth here and on the other side. For Art, this is his last time around, because he is actively seeking knowledge, the answers to all things. After your last time on earth, you graduate, you go home.
In about 20-25 years we won't have a presidency, but something like a Greek Senate. The presidency has little power and is mainly a figurehead. There will also no longer be a single pope, but rather a triumvirate of people in control.
We are seeing a great influx of souls, a frantic entry into this life. Horrendous things may be happening now because you save the worst for last; the world may be ending. Evil and fanaticism are rising, radicals are coming out of the woodwork. It's almost as if people have no hope. There is a fatalistic feeling among teens, but there is also a tremendous spirituality around. Both groups see bad things coming, and both may react with fatalism but one tries to get their last licks in, the other becomes humble, spiritual, and accepting. The pope said that the final days are coming and we should accept it calmly. There are dark souls in this world, and when they cannot be rehabilitated, God in his mercy, reabsorbs them. When the end comes it will be the end of the time when people have completed their educational process. Sylvia doesn't see any horrors at the end, she thinks the world will end with a whimper rather than a bang; like a thief in the night. The west coast will go under in 2026. This is not unusual as lands have sunken and risen before because of a polar tilt, which is happening now with water is rising in some places and receding in others. Atlantis and Lemuria will rise, tsunamis will wipe out a large portion of Japan, the Hawaiian Islands will have an upheaval and be the site of a new landmass. The world has gone into many extinctions and rebirths. Chupacabras, Yeti, etc., are lower phylum that leak through to our world from another dimension; it's like the earth is a Bermuda Triangle they slip through.
The Mayan calendar may have stopped at 2012 because they thought that that was far enough and just decided to stop, or maybe they just couldn't see any further, like she can't see beyond 2100. We have overdone the ancient prophecy thing. If the world ends, the worst thing that can happen is we all go together.
In the future surgery won't be done by scalpel, but by pushing away the molecular structure. Y2K is no problem; the only possible problem is panic over what might happen, but she doesn't worry about either. There are ET's and Ultraterrestrials, spirits who have passed over and guides.
The stones of the pyramids were lifted with antigravitational rods. Art said he asked Zawai Hawass how they got the stones up there and he said, "Ah, but that is the mystery." There are pyramids placed on strategic spatial grids. They had crystals on top and they were like communication centers, like an early CNN.
- Re: RVer und Hellsichtige über unsere Zuku(ü)nft(e) katzenhai2 24.10.2003 03:02 (3)
- Re: RVer und Hellsichtige über unsere Zuku(ü)nft(e) mica 24.10.2003 07:54 (1)
- Re: RVer und Hellsichtige über unsere Zuku(ü)nft(e) katzenhai2 26.10.2003 02:27 (0)
- Re: RVer und Hellsichtige über unsere Zuku(ü)nft(e) katzenhai2 24.10.2003 03:12 (0)
- Re: RVer und Hellsichtige über unsere Zuku(ü)nft(e) Apollo 24.10.2003 00:17 (0)