Anschlag / sowjetische Überläufer (engl.)

[ Prophezeiungen & Aktuelles Weltgeschehen ]

Geschrieben von another am 13. September 2001 04:25:41:

1.) Ein aktueller Kommentar von Stanislav Lunev:

Warning: More Attacks, Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Possible
Tuesday, September 11, 2001

NewsMax's national security expert, Col. Stanislav Lunev, is traveling abroad.
The highest-ranking military officer ever to defect from Russia, Col. Lunev has served as a consultant to the CIA, the FBI and the Defense Intelligence Agency

He called NewsMax and gave the following analysis:

1. Last year, Col. Lunev wrote that the U.S. had been the main target of terrorist groups and the nations that support them. The actions today against the U.S. should not be surprising.

2. The successful attack today by this well organized terrorist group is the result of almost ten years of a deterioration of America's national security appaparatus - including the emascualtion of American intelligence gathering capabilities.

3. American officials and experts have been saying the threat of an attack like this or worse has been a real one. Little or nothing was done, though many knew the threat was real.

4. What countries are involved is difficult to say. It is Col. Lunev's belief that more than one country was involved in this operation - and perhaps several.

5. Do not forget that Russia remains the number one sponsor of training for terrorist nations. You will find the countries behind this will have very close ties to Russia's military and intelligence agencies.

6. Simple logic cannot be applied to the behavior of these terrorist groups and states. I believe that the terrorist acts conducted could be the first wave of more significant acts that could take place - even in the next few days. Perhaps for the next 3 days there will be quiet, and then another strike, perhaps more massive than those already delivered.

7. These people are not stupid. They'll use all weapons available to them. Do not underestimate the brutality of these people. The next time, even in the next several days, do not exclude the possibilty they will use chemical, nuclear and biological weapons against America.


2.) Eine dazu passende Notiz von Anatoliy Golitsyns an die CIA, März 1989:


The Soviet strategy of 'perestroika' must be exposed because it is deceptive, aggressive and dangerous. Gorbachev and 'glasnost' have failed to reveal that 'perestroika' is a world-wide political assault against the Western democracies. It has been presented as a purely domestic, spontaneous improvisation by Gorbachev. This deliberate misrepresentation must be exposed.

It must be revealed that 'perestroika' is the result of thirty years of preparation by the Communist Party the Soviet Government and the KGB under the guidance of the Party apparatus, that it is not just Soviet domestic renewal but a strategy for 'restructuring' the whole world. The KGB's sinister role as a vehicle for implementation of the strategy must be explained. Gorbachev's renunciation of ideological orthodoxy is not sincere or lasting, but a tactical manoeuvre in the cause of the strategy. The Soviets are not striving for genuine, lasting accommodation with the Western democracies but for the final world victory of Communism: they are not introducing true capitalism or real Western-style democracy but creating an illusion to tempt West European social democrats into new forms of popular front and eventual alliance with the Soviet Union. They intend to exploit the same illusion to induce the Americans to adopt their own 'restructuring' and convergence of the Soviet and American systems using to this end the fear of nuclear conflict.
In a different context, the Russians may be expected to provoke an incident unattributable to themselves involving the explosion of a nuclear device somewhere in the West not excluding the United States. The purpose would be to reassert or re-emphasise the necessity for the American-Russian partnership now, and to create pressure for eventual World Government.

Arbatov was lying when he said that the USSR had ceased to be an enemy of the United States: the USSR is becoming more formidable, more sophisticated and more dangerous because the new design for Communist world victory is more realistic than the old. The new design can be described most succinctly as 'cooperation-blackmail'.

Convergence will be accompanied by blood baths and political re-education camps in Western Europe and the United States. The Soviet strategists are counting on an economic depression in the United States and intend to introduce then-reformed model of socialism with a human face as an alternative to the American system during the depression. All these points must be publicly revealed.

Quelle: Anatoliy Golitsyn-'The Perestroika Deception' S.45/46


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