Noch 4 Truthahn-Massaker
Geschrieben von FranzLiszt am 29. November 2006 11:21:38:
Hallo Foris,
frisch aus prophecies von einem Lakota:
"my friend, a pipe carrier from the lakota people, told me at a ceremony last year that his elder had told him that there would be five more turkey days before the "&*%" hit the fan. That was one turkey day ago so if he was correct we have four more left before we should be where we'll be to go through these tougher times."
Also noch 4 Jahre übrig - bis zu folgender Vision - selber Poster, 20 Jahre früher.
"a man with a white top and white pants and a red belt came and got me and took me on a journey, we went many places and saw lots of different things
one was two "waves" of death and destruction - changes, earth changes and other changes - I believe that we are in the second wave.
next he took me over cities - all of them were empty - they did not look damaged just empty.
next I saw us living together is small bands / groups of people - having to protect ourselves from others who wanted whatever we had - we were self ruled and life was simple and difficult"
Städte menschenleer, Leben in kleinen Gruppen, sich verteidigend gegen andere.
Gruß franz_liszt
- Re: Noch 4 Truthahn-Massaker basecampUSA 29.11.2006 14:14 (1)
- Re: Noch 4 Truthahn-Massaker Rumpelstielzchen 01.12.2006 02:11 (0)