Re: Weil man über 300 Tote nahe der green zone vor den Wahlen nicht spricht

Geschrieben von Sono am 22. Oktober 2006 14:36:44:

Als Antwort auf: Das war ja vor 11 tage!?! ...zeitung von gestern... (n/t) geschrieben von basecampUSA am 21. Oktober 2006 23:55:34:

Late on the evening of October 10, 2006, Iraqi resistance groups lobbed mortar and rocket rounds into the immense ‘Forward Base Falcon,’ the largest American military base in Iraq, located 13 km south of the Green Zone in Baghdad. In addition to accurate mortar fire, Grad and Katyusha rockets were also used.

Over 300 American troops, including U.S. Army and Marines, CIA agents and U.S. translators were casualties and there also were 165 seriously injured requiring major medical attention and 39 suffering lesser injuries 122 members of the Iraqi armed forces were killed and 90 seriously injured members of same, were also evacuated to the U.S. military hospital at al-Habbaniyah located some 70km west of Baghdad.

Satellite pictures and aerial photographs from neutral sources showed that Camp Falcon suffered major structural damage and almost all the U.S. military’s supply of small arms ammunition, artillery and rocket rounds, tons of fuel, six Apache helicopters, an uncounted but large number of soft-skinned vehicles such as Humvees and supply trucks were damaged or totally destroyed. Foreign press observers noted “an endless parade” of military vehicle recovery units dragging burnt-out heavy tanks and armored personnel carriers to another base outside Baghdad.

Ob nach dem 6. November die Wahrheitsliebe der Presse wieder steigt,
darf bezweifelt werden. Der Irakkrieg geht den Reps verloren.
