Re: Weil man über 300 Tote nahe der green zone vor den Wahlen nicht spricht

Geschrieben von kamikatze am 22. Oktober 2006 20:17:25:

Als Antwort auf: Re: Weil man über 300 Tote nahe der green zone vor den Wahlen nicht spricht geschrieben von kamikatze am 22. Oktober 2006 19:56:05:

Doing a search, Google, "Forward Base Falcon casualties":
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In a dispatch posted at 10:37pm Makkah time Thursday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US forces were seen driving huge trucks carrying seven burned-out US tanks out of the city on the highway towards Saddam International Airport. The vehicles were some of the wreckage left over from the devastating Resistance bombardment of the US Forward Base Falcon arsenal late Tuesday night.
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"Dozens" of Americans reported killed in devastating Resistance attack on Falcon Forward Base Tuesday, 10 October; Americans accuse translators of leaking coordinates to Resistance.
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Massive explosions force US troops to abandon base in Baghdad [reports suggest 300+ US casualties]
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The blasts were believed to be within Baghdad's "Green Zone," the heavily fortified compound around government buildings and the U.S. embassy. There were no immediate reports on any casualties.
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Nine huge American transport planes unload casualties from devastating Resistance strike on US Falcon Base in Baghdad just before midnight Tuesday, indicating heavy American losses.
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"As bad as everything sounded when this incident first happened, it turns out not to be as bad as I thought," said Command Sgt. Maj. John Moody, 4th BCT, 4th Inf. Div., during a visit to FOB Falcon Thursday.
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The explosions on the base damaged nearby homes, but there were no casualties in the neighborhood, police Capt. Furat Gaiti said.
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The US military hospital at the air base al-Habbaniyah had begun to receive dead and wounded personnel from the devastating
Mujahideen rocket assault on the US Falcon arsenal in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah.
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The Interior Ministry said the blasts had shaken three neighborhoods close to Forward Operating Base Falcon in the southern district of Doura.
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Military and civilian personnel were evacuated from Forward Operating Base Falcon without injury.
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On and on, many varied reports...
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