Bush sieht sich in der Rolle von Winston Churchill
Geschrieben von Leo am 04. Oktober 2006 16:03:53:
Sehr treffende Analyse zum bevorstehenden Irankrieg, wie ich finde. Leider auf Englisch, daher hänge ich die Google Übersetzung an, auch wenn diese sehr ungenau ist.
Analysis: If and when Bush 'Iraqs' Iran
UPI Editor at LargeWASHINGTON, Oct. 2 (UPI) -- A strategic thinker who called all the correct diplomatic and military plays preceding Operation Iraqi Freedom now sees diplomatic failure and air strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities. The war on Iran, he says, started a year ago when the United States began conducting secret recon missions inside Iran.
---President George W. Bush, writes Gardiner, sees himself like Winston Churchill standing against the appeasers, and "believes the world will only appreciate him after he leaves office, talks about the Middle East in messianic terms, and is said to have told those close to him that he has got to attack Iran because even if a Republican succeeds him ... he will not have the same freedom of action that Bush enjoys."---
- Re: Bush sieht sich in der Rolle von Winston Churchill BBouvier 04.10.2006 19:42 (4)
- Re: Bush sieht sich in der Rolle von Winston Churchill Leo 04.10.2006 23:54 (2)
- De Gaul für Deutschland Georg 08.10.2006 23:04 (0)
- Re: Bush sieht sich in der Rolle von Winston Churchill BBouvier 05.10.2006 00:09 (0)
- Re: Bush = Churchill, Jacke wie Hose Alceste 04.10.2006 20:21 (0)