"It is a time of Thoth - Hermes - and Merlin!"
Geschrieben von franz_liszt am 14. Dezember 2003 14:25:27:
Als Antwort auf: Frage ans Forum nach der Festnahme Saddams geschrieben von Gideon am 14. Dezember 2003 13:35:29:
Email from Anna....
The Month of Miracles
As per the lunar calendar and the teachings at the Kabbalah Centre, Sagittarius was ushered in by the new
moon on November 23rd. The Hebrew word keshet (Sagittarius) means rainbow, the sign given to Noah that
the destruction of the Great Flood had ended and would never be repeated.According to the writings of the Patriarch Abraham, the Hebrew letter gimmel created Jupiter and the letter
samek created Sagittarius. By meditating on these two letters we can access the positive attributes of this
month and avoid any negative influences.This is a month of miracles and good times that should come easily. Focus deeply on what you want to
change, don't be lazy and share, share, share. Meditate on samek and gimmel daily.The miracle of Chanukah occured during Sagittarius. The oil lasted 8 days. If we move up 8 levels from the
physical plane (Malchut) on the Tree of Life we come to Binah. Binah is the level of miracles. There is an
opening during this month to tap into Binah. If you light a menorah during Chanukah, have certainty and
consciously tap into samek, gimmel and Binah as you light each candle. Each candle connects with a different
level.Watch the miracles happen..............................
Hallo Foris, hallo Bonnie,
da gibts ja noch Ellie aus N.Y. *gg*
Sie hat ein umfangreiches Archiv. Vielleicht findet jemand, was sie zu Saddam gesagt hat, vielleicht schreibt sie es auch noch selbst.
Gruß franz_liszt
So the spikes on the time lines for the fall of 2003 - change the face of reality - as if something that began on 911 - is coming full circle.
His capture was called Operation Red Dawn.
This is a great day in the history of Iraq. though Hussein's sons went out of in a blaze of glory - he was trapped like a rat in the bottom of a hole.
Hussein will soon go on trial - perhaps in Iraq - which will be put before the world at large. This will bring more drama in the weeks and months ahead.
- Re: "It is a time of Thoth - Hermes - and Merlin!" Bonnie 14.12.2003 14:59 (1)
- Re: Texte vom 12.(!)12. und vom 14.12. (o.T.) franz_liszt 14.12.2003 15:17 (0)
- Re: "It is a time of Thoth - Hermes - and Merlin!" katzenhai2 14.12.2003 14:55 (2)
- Re: It is a time of Thoth franz_liszt 14.12.2003 15:30 (1)
- Re: It is a time of Thoth katzenhai2 14.12.2003 18:39 (0)