Geschrieben von Bern am 22. November 2003 17:35:28:

Als Antwort auf: Re: STURZ IN GEORGIEN geschrieben von IT Oma am 22. November 2003 17:27:56:

ein bezeichnender Forumbeitrag zum aktuellen Thema:
neuerdings Frauen als die besseren Puppets,
CIA and Mi6 organizing these mobs? Seems that Shervnev.... was not servile enough to USA neo-cons. BBC and CIA newspapers report that USA spent a lot of $$$$$$ in Georgia. How much cost for USA to "buy a Georgian?"
Curious that in Georgia is female parliament politician that is in USA'S pocket? In Serbia is female USA bought dictator ruler. Likewise in the Philipines is female USA bought dictator ruler. In India out of party head is Female (who is Italian, was married the assasinated Ghandi son) who stinks like a CIA-USA implant.
