Massive US-Fliegerbewegung über schottischen Basen

Geschrieben von mica am 04. November 2003 22:39:42:

Aus einem anderen Forum, mit Komentar und Frage, wer auf Stützpunkten in seiner Nähe auch etwas Ähnliches beobachtet:

Unusual USAF Activity -- Other Warnings Suggest US About to Take New Military Action or else another

Okay, Just stumbled across some postings at another forum -- on a thread indicating massive US Air Force and Naval Air movements in various parts of the country combined with others reporting relatives in high ranks of military indicating something is about to go down militarily.

Combine this with news stories floating about a new impending terror attack and Islamic radicals on muslim forums warning fellow muslims to evacuate NYC, DC and LA ... plus news of a new FATWA giving muslims the holy right to attack the USA and well ... smells like maybe these other reports of massive air activity in Scotland and West Coast may be onto something? Dunno...just asking
if any of you here are noticing increased air activity at any airbases near you?

Below are postings from the forum in question -- note I´ve edited down to the more pertinent posts related to the question:

From: the Peacewatchers at USAF’s Fairford and Welford bases in the UK

Since Saturday, people in the Highlands of Scotland have been witnessing large movements of US warplanes overhead. Experienced observers say the large numbers are reminiscent of those that preceded the bombing of Iraq in 1998 and military strikes on Libya in the1980´s as well as the first Gulf War.

At the weekend warplanes were flying over at a rate of roughly one every 15 minutes. As well as watching them from the ground the plane spotters have also been able to overhear pilots talking by listening to their radio frequencies.

At this rate some 288 warplanes would have passed over Scotland in three days.

It is thought that the planes have flown on a route from the US over the North Pole to bases in Europe and the Mediterranean. The size and scale of the movement suggests that the US may be preparing to strike at a country in the Middle East in the next week to ten days.

Please pass this information on as widely as possible- the US may be planning to use the pretext of "foreign" terrorist attacks on US personnel in Iraq to attack Iran or Syria. Please alert any sympathetic elected representatives, media representatives and other sympathetic organizations. Publicizing this military movement may prevent the air-strikes.

