The Super-Hegemon Bleeds Red Ink

Geschrieben von Andreas am 16. Oktober 2003 23:30:17:

Als Antwort auf: NACHRICHTEN (16.10.2003) (o.T.) geschrieben von IT Oma am 15. Oktober 2003 23:26:11:

Wenige Ausschnitte:

A child born in America today is $124,000 in debt the moment he draws his first breath. The newborn’s inherited debt grows daily. Upon reaching working age, an enormous debt awaits.

How does a newborn get into debt prior to having a mortgage, credit card and car payment? Easy. Government assigns each newborn child a share of its debt. $24,000 is the newborn’s share of the accumulated $7 trillion federal debt. $100,000 is the newborn’s share of unfunded Social Security, Medicare and veterans’ health care benefits.


The neoconservative fantasy that the US is a super-hegemon constrained by nothing but its own will is a dangerous delusion for a country on the path to bankruptcy.
