
Geschrieben von another am 17. Dezember 2000 13:44:15:

Powell will hart gegen den Irak vorgehen

Künftiger US-Außenminister betont Stärke der USA
Der künftige US-Außenminister Colin Powell hat ein unnachgiebiges Vorgehen der USA gegen den Irak angekündigt. Powell sagte am Samstag in Crawford im US-Bundesstaat Texas, die USA wollten gemeinsam mit ihren Verbündeten den gegen den Irak verhängten Sanktionen zu mehr Stoßkraft verhelfen.

Russia To Deploy More Missiles

MOSCOW (AP) - Russia will equip a third regiment of its strategic missile forces with the new Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile before the end of the year, the strategic forces commander said Friday.
The single-warhead missiles will be deployed on Dec. 25-26, Gen. Vladimir Yakovlev was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency.
The government says the recently developed Topol-M will form the backbone of its nuclear forces for years to come. The small, rugged missile can be fired from a mobile launcher, which means they would be hard to detect and therefore more likely to survive a first strike in a nuclear confrontation.
Russia already has 20 Topol-M missiles in service, 10 per regiment, deployed late in 1998 and 1999.
