Re: "Windswept House" - Zitat
Geschrieben von BBouvier am 07. September 2003 16:49:13:
Als Antwort auf: "Windswept House" geschrieben von BBouvier am 07. September 2003 16:41:46:
Aus dem u.a.Gelenk:A: This Holy Father will not succeed in changing the onrush of events which will culminate once he leaves the scene, either by resignation or by death. He simply can not outmaneuver his opponents.
...With his encyclicals, he has provided Catholics with a sheaf of new principles and fresh insights with which they can navigate the New World Order, which will not be a friendly place for Catholics
>Hallo Foris!
>Das dazu:
>Leider bin ich als Rechner-Autodidakt nicht in der Lage,
>ein Gelenk in gelb anzubieten.
- Re: "Windswept House" - Zitat und auf deutsch: BBouvier 07.9.2003 17:07 (0)