Geschrieben von Kober am 12. Mai 2003 13:14:22:
Hello Four Room. ;-)
Leider in English und Kober versteht nur die Hälfte, dennoch interresant.
------------------WESAK MEDITATION
The author (Greg Bradden, who relates to texts from the ancient Essenians - Qumran-'s rolls) found an assertion calculated on a mathematical basis, which says that a little more than six thousand persons of good-will in the world are enough, in a sense, to lead the whole of humanity towards its future of Light and Peace.
This meditation should be something particular and directed towards oneself to integrate Love Energy and Peace Energy into our own hearts by raising our vibratory level as much as possible.
Love and Light
This year, we would love you to get ready in a different way.
If you can do it, it would be good, on the day before the Wesak, that is, on May 15th, if you could spend the whole day at peace, integrating serenity, joy, Love and confidence in you. It is important. Even though, during this day, you have problems to solve, simply ask the Source to help you solve them. If during this day you suffer, ask the Source to calm this suffering down and give you peace. So, it is very important for you to be well prepared.
During the day of May 15th, integrate as much Christlike Energy as possible, this gold Light that will penetrate through your coronal force centre, and that will flood your whole body, all your cells.
Then, at 9p.m., you will connect yourselves to the Source of life. You will braid a link of Light between you and God, you will totally offer yourselves to your Divine Father. You will ask him to open your hearts to the Universal Love, so that you can pour it on to your Mother the Earth and on to any form of life.
This connection can require five minutes from you. It does not have to be very long, but it has to come totally from your hearts and it must be intense.
For those who have not the same time zone, they can join the French people if it is possible for them to do so, to join those who have this time zone (9p.m.). The others will be able to do it at 9p.m. in their own country if they can not do otherwise.
We more especially expect from you this watch of Wesak to be a day of preparation and offerings. Do not ask for anything, offer all that is most beautiful in you !
What is the most beautiful in you, the most sacred, is Love, and you have an inconceivable quantity of it that you do not let be expressed ! You keep it prisoner in you !
This year, there will be a major power on this day, on this Wesak evening. Embodied masters, the Hierarchies of Light, will be asked to help this world considerably so that this expected transformation may happen effectively.
Do not expect a supernatural transformation during which all the beings will wake up at once, good, full of Love and brotherhood feeling ! This transformation will have, maybe, an unsuspected face, but know that the Love emitted by pure hearts is the most powerful force that can exist on the Earth and in the whole Universe.
You must believe in you, believe in your potentialities of Love, believe in the miracles that you can carry out. You must trust the Source.
For the Wesak evening, of course, you will be connected. As much as possible, you will try and live this day without nervousness, in the tolerance and acceptance of everything that appears to you, with the awareness that it is a magnificent day, a day during which you will really be able to give what is most beautiful in you, a day which you will offer to the source of life.
Then, in the evening, you will start your meditation. Each time a thought will come to disrupt your mind, send a lot of Love and Light to it.
You will visualize a gold light totally surrounding you, penetrating you through your coronal force centre, and also through all your force centres.
For some time, you will feel the effects of being totally united with the Universe. You will be the children of the Universe. Christlike Light and Love will completely flood you, flood your bodies, will totally open your hearts.
You will begin to feel a deep Energy which has been awoken in you and which expresses itself, an Energy that will gradually shine, spring from the deepest of your hearts like a shower of Light and will spread not only on to your world, your Mother the Earth, and on all forms of life, but also everywhere in the Universe.
For some minutes, you will concentrate on your heart force centre, and you will feel the Energy penetrate through the coronal force centre, and through all your force centres, and you will also feel the enormous Love spring from your hearts and spread like a fountain, an inexhaustible river.
Universal Love is going to awaken, in you, your huge potentialities of Love as embodied beings.
You will remain in this offering during precious minutes when the human being is a real part of the Source, of the Universe, minutes during which there are no more limitations, during which everything is possible, everything is allowed, magic minutes.
You will feel in your hearts this awakening power, this unlimited Love Energy. You will feel in complete harmony with life, with the Universe.
The next day, you will try and still be in this magnificent Energy. You will try and make the effort to remain positive throughout this day, and at 9p.m., during a few minutes, you will try and be reconnected to this Divine Source, you will try again and open your hearts to let this magnificent Energy flow in.
In this gift, you must feel in perfect harmony. You will give Love and you will receive Love, you will be perfect transmitters of the perfect Energy, Love Energy. »
They tell me:
« To help the human beings on this Wesak day, many Beings of Light will help you. Many incarnated Masters will work too. It will be the big meeting of human love and Universal Love, the big connection.
Each of us, in his/her way, is a precious artisan for the fulfillment of the Plan.
During these three days, of course, you will avoid eating meat, You will avoid anger. You will let yourselves be carried away in this Love stream, you will let yourselves live, very simply, accepting life as it will appear to you.
For those who are very busy in their professional obligations, let them be isolated for five or ten minutes, it is within the reach of everybody, and let them join this enormous stream of Divine Light and Love. »
They also tell me :
« Do not ask for anything for your world ! Offer this immense Love that is available in you. The Source and the Light Beings know how to use the immense Love that will emanate from your hearts, they know where to send this Love !
The most beautiful and the most noble mission for man is to give this huge Love without waiting for anything, without asking for anything! The gift for the gift’s sake, very simply !
The Hierarchies of Light and your Divine Father give you permanently ! They do not expect anything from you, and they give you just because they love you! We too, we give you permanently all that we can give you, at least, all that you can receive, we do not expect anything from you, except that, in your turn, you will give as much as you will receive, you will be aware that the one who knows, the one who loves, has to give to the one who does not know quite well yet, who has not got yet that Love Awareness, so that it can be awakened, so that, in his turn, he will be able to give, to love, so that this long chain of Love and Light can be built between the people of the Earth and the children of the Universe, between all the children of the Source. »
I receive a message from Liva. He tells me:
« I am Liva, your brother from the Moon. I am Liva and I love you.
During what you call the full moon, each human being, having opened his consciousness, will send much Love on to our planet, and we will be very touched. Know that we will send you our immense Love too.
If you can see our sphere, imagine us meditating like you, getting connected to you ! We will get united in Love, the Love from the brothers of the Moon for the children of the Earth.
We love your beautiful planet a lot. For us, she is like a jewel. At the moment, she is a lot more shining to us. She is shining with a particular energy. That comes from a very consistent work which is made not only on your so beautiful planet, but also inside her.
When you meditate, get connected to us ! Try and feel us getting connected to you ! It is easy to imagine us because you can see our sphere of life ! We do not need this because we can see you and we love you all the more !
I am Liva, your brother from the Moon, and I love you more and more ! I feel myself closer and closer to you ! I hope that one day we will meet. For me, it will be tremendously pleasant and I know it will be the same for you!
I am Liva, your brother from the Moon, and I love you. Think about us, get connected to us ! We will do the same. »
The Divine Mother tells me:
« I will also be near all the children of the Earth who will open their hearts to Love during these blessed days! I will also pour all my Love on to this small planet and on all my children !
I love you, I know you so well! I am helping you, and I will help you more and more to realize the Divine Plan, the Divine Plan inside yourselves, the Divine Plan on this planet. I will help you push your limits further, I will help you open yourselves a bit more every day to this powerful Love which is inside yourselves, to this Universal Love.
I am your Divine Mother and I love you. I love you when I feel so much Love in your hearts, when I feel so great a desire to let this huge Love flow on all forms of life !
Many magnificent beings will join you like my beloved Son and many Beings of the Light Hierarchies.
I love you beyond human love! I love you of a Love that can’t be measured ! Let your heart be opened to my presence, let your heart be opened to the presence of my Son, let your heart be opened to the presence of the Source ! »
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Translation: Sylviane D.