@BBouvier: Mahnung des Jeremias
Geschrieben von JeFra am 28. Februar 2003 00:02:50:
Was Sie sagen, deckt sich mit einer Zeile aus dem Vaticinium Lehninense, die ich so in Erinnerung habe: Israel scelus committit, morte punietur. Ich habe das Original aber nicht auftreiben koennen, sondern nur Fontanes Uebersetzung. In Erinnerung habe ich die Stelle aus einem im Buchladen gesehenen, aber nicht gekauften Buch von Bekh, der sie anscheinend auf das Haus Hohenzollern bezieht. Es koennte sich aber ebenso um den Ausdruck einer in gewissen christlichen Kreisen verbreiteten Vorstellung sein, die sich an die von Ihnen zitierte Jeremias-Stelle anknuepft. Das waere vertraeglich mit der Annahme, dass die Prophezeiung aus Lehnin eine Faelschung ist.
Zu letzterer These siehe hier:
The LEHNIN PROPHECY (Le/zninsche Weissagung, Vaticinium Lehninense), a poem in 100 Leonine verses, reputed to be from the pen of a monk, Hermann of Lehnin, who lived about the year 1300, made its appearance about 1690 and caused much controversy. This so-called prophecy bewails the extinction of the Ascanian rulers of Brandenburg and the rise of the Hohenzollern dynasty to power; each successive ruler of the latter house down to the eleventh ,generation is described, the date of the extinction of the race?fixed, and the restoration of the Roman Catholic Church foretold. But as the narrative is only exact in details down to the death of Frederick William, the great elector, in 1688, and as all prophecies of the period subsequent to that time were falsified by events, the poem came to be regarded as a compilation and the date of its authorship placed about the year 1684. Andreas Fromm (d. 1685), rector of St Peter?s church in Berlin, an ardent Lutheran, is commonly believed to have been the forger. This cleric, resisting certain measures taken by the great elector against the Lutheran pastors, fled the country in 1668 to avoid prosecution, and having been received at Prague into the Roman Catholic Church was appointed canon of Leitmeritz in Bohemia, where he died. During the earlier part of the I9th century the poem was eagerly scanned by the enemies of the Hohenzollerrls, some of whom believed that the race would end with King Frederick William III., the representative of the eleventh generation of the family.