Ups, da hab ich oben aus versehen dasselbe gepostet... o.T.

[ Prophezeiungen & Aktuelles Weltgeschehen ]

Geschrieben von Marcus am 13. September 2001 19:06:18:

Als Antwort auf: Und Russland übt weiter den Atomkrieg (engl.) geschrieben von another am 13. September 2001 16:49:27:

>Russia bombers to probe U.S. defenses
>Russian strategic bombers were deployed recently to a Far Eastern airfield and are expected to test U.S. air defenses during large-scale nuclear exercises this week, according to U.S. intelligence officials.
>The strategic war games began Monday with flights of long-range Tu-160 Blackjack and Tu-95 Bear H bombers, along with Tu-22 medium-range maritime bombers. The exercises are expected to be larger than nuclear strike exercises held in December.
>The Blackjacks were moved recently to Andyr air base in the Russian arctic. The bombers are expected to fly routes over the polar icecap toward Canada to test out the North American Aerospace Defense Command warning system, known as NORAD.
>Na, seht ihr den Zusammenhang?


[ Prophezeiungen & Aktuelles Weltgeschehen ]