vor drei Wochen ein Einschlag in die Sonne

Geschrieben von Bern am 25. Januar 2003 20:48:47:

hei Leit,
da ist was am 3.Jan. in die Sonne geplumpst.
Wurde was darüber gepostet.
Franz weiß was?
A large asteroid or small planet hitting the sun on 1/3/03. If such an asteroid hit the earth, it would have destroyed it. Look at the blue version of the sun at 2 oclock position. This was taken at 7 am 1/3/03 and showed the asteroid just hitting the sun. The red sun was taken later (19 oclock) and showed the huge flare the size of the entire sun on both the east and west side of the sun. As it is, one of the largest solar flares in history occurred yesterday.
