Re: Ellie zu Clones, 2003, Soul-Experiences
Geschrieben von franz_liszt am 29. Dezember 2002 18:16:25:
Als Antwort auf: Re: Klonkind geschrieben von quink am 29. Dezember 2002 11:53:31:
Hi Foris,
gestern äußerte sich auch Elle aus N.Y. zu einigen hier angeschnittenen Fragen:
Klone gibts schon seit Jahrzehnten - Deros - 2003 der Anfang größerer Verrücktheiten - eigene Seele
Along with the marvels of technologies in the field of communications - programs always have a degree of biogenetic manipulation.
This is part of the alien/Grey programs as well as those of Hitler and others.
Humanity is a truth a bio-genetic experiment in the physical.
It would stand to reason that programs within programs would create bio-genetic experiments after bio-genetic experiments - cloning being of them.
At the fall of Atlantis - there was supposedly much bio-genetic manipulation going on - resulting in weird hybrid creatures called Deros - among others.
In our parallel reality - 3D Earth Century 21 - we would be now experimenting with human genetics as well. Is this any different than Hitler create a perfect root race?
I believe they Have cloned human babies. Actually I believe it was done by our government years ago - as far back as WWII - most likely an outgrowth of technologies from the Hitler underground labs.
Much of the energies of that timeline are 'looping back' now in 2003 - some of which are linked to those experiments and the loop created by the Philadelphia Experiment. It would make sense that 2003 would be the year the world becomes aware of cloned humans.
I suppose everyone has an opinion on human cloning. Personally I do not think most people understand what it is about and its social, moral, and spiritual implications. Humanity is not ready for cloning which lead to fear factors of the unknown.
It is interesting that a metaphysical group claims to have created the first human clones. Nothing about the group or the events surrounding it - feel comfortable to me. Bu then again - nothing about government control of bio-genetic programs feels comfortable either.
Our time here will parallel Atlantis and other programs. Life will become more and more bizarre.
We will watch, worry, and wonder in 2003 - yet this is just the beginning of major weirdness.
I have been asked if cloned humans share the same soul. They do not!
*************Übrigens ist der Teil über Teenager auch lesenswert.
Gruß franz_liszt