Re: Mosaik des Terrorismus, 2. Teil

Geschrieben von Badland Warrior am 24. November 2002 13:56:54:

Als Antwort auf: Mosaik des Terrorismus, 1. Teil geschrieben von Badland Warrior am 24. November 2002 13:52:14:

Instead, the so-called experts on Islam in western universities, in the media, in the churches and even in government bureaus have become apologists for Islam. They bear some responsibility for creating an atmosphere little short of intellectual terrorism where any criticism of Islam is denounced as fascism, racism, or "orientalism." They bear some responsibility for lulling the public into thinking that "The Islamic Threat " is a myth. It is our duty to fight this intellectual terrorism. It is our duty to defend the values of liberal democracy.

One hopes that the U.S. government will not now act in such a way that more innocent lives are lost, albeit on the other side of the globe. One hopes that even now there is a legal way out in international courts of law. The situation is far more delicate and complex than a simple battle between good and evil, the solution is not to beat hell out of all Arabs and Muslims but neither is
it to pretend that Islam had nothing to do with it, for that would be to bury one's head in the Sands of Araby.

[1] T.Hughes, Dictionary of Islam,
entry "Jihad"

[2] E.Sivan, Radical Islam, New
Haven, 1985, p.25.

P.S.: IT Oma schrieb etwas über verstärkte Bewegungen bei einer Biowaffenfabrik vor längerer Zeit. Lest es Euch mal durcvh und setzt die Puzzlesteine zusammen.

Badland Warrior
