Flugzeugabsturz mit 17 Kindern unter den Opfern
Geschrieben von EN.KI am 10. Juli 2001 19:04:54:
Als Antwort auf: Atuka hé: Währungsumstellung und andere Prophezeiungen geschrieben von Fred Feuerstein am 09. Juli 2001 22:01:32:
Von wann stammt diese Prophezeiung denn?
Der Flugzeugabsturz mit Blitz ist vermutlich TWA 800, die beiden anderen Egypt AIR 990 und Swiss Air 111.
Der einzige Unfall, den ich im Netz finden konnte, mit dem Hinweis auf 17 Kinder ist folgender, von ungefähr 19.April 2000:After the crash: Retracing the ‘flight’ of Flight 541
It was a fine summer morning, a Holy Wednesday, and there simply was no indication that the sun will set grief-laden, the rain falling in sync with the tears shed by the loved ones of 131 souls.
The question why still reverberates a year after the worst aviation disaster in the country. Air Philippines Flight 541 carrying 4 infants,
17 children and 110 adults perished in one single stroke on April 19, a year ago today.There was a sound
of increasing engine power at 2303:11. The sound of an impact was recorded at 2303:12, followed by a sound similar to a stall warning from the stick
shaker in the cockpit at 2303:13. The GPWS (Ground Proximity Warning System)
again sounded “whoop, whoop,” at 2303:14. This was followed by another
sound of an impact at 2303:16. Sound of female voices screaming was recorded
at 2303:16. A voice spoken in Tagalog (something like, Diyos Ko) was heard
at 2303:17 and finally, another sound of impact was recorded at 2303:18.
This ended the recording of the CVR (Cockpit Voice Recorder). (Excerpts
from the report of the Independent Investigation Committee)
At the airport,
about 7 a.m., relatives were anticipating the arrival of their loved ones
especially as the plane was already in sight.
Air Philippines
crashed on a hill with an elevation of 446 feet, about five nautical miles
northeast of Davao International Airport. The aircraft was smashed and
consumed by fire (which lasted until the following day despite the rain).
There were no survivors.Der Artikel ist zur Zeit nur über das Google-Archiv lesbar:
- Re: Flugzeugabsturz mit 17 Kindern unter den Opfern Fred Feuerstein 11.7.2001 00:11 (0)
- Concorde-Absturz bei Paris Berni 10.7.2001 22:07 (0)