(off topic) Cities found on the moon!
Geschrieben von franz_liszt am 07. Oktober 2002 01:33:20:
Here is an extract from the official press-release: “NASA scientists and engineers participating in
exploration of Mars and the Moon reported the results of their discoveries at a briefing at the
Washington National Press Club on March 21, 1996. It was announced for the first time that
man-made structures and objects have been discovered on the Moon.” The scientists spoke rather
cautiously and evasively about these objects, with the exception of an UFO. They always mentioned
that the man-made objects are possible, and stated the information was still under study and official
results will be published later.Mehr im Link.
Gruß franz_liszt
- mehr auf Pravda.RU: UFO prevents blast at Chernobyl Nuclear Plant ;) [oT] Ghost 07.10.2002 11:29 (1)
- Re: mehr auf Pravda.RU: UFO prevents blast at Chernobyl Nuclear Plant ;) [oT] mica 07.10.2002 16:41 (0)
- Re: Überhaupt nicht off topic !!! Weltfremder 07.10.2002 09:34 (0)
- Prawda macht wieder mal ihrem Namen alle Ehre (owT) master2lu 07.10.2002 08:23 (0)