Re: jetzt wird es ERNST!

Geschrieben von Maria_2 am 31. März 2002 21:33:23:

Als Antwort auf: jetzt wird es ERNST! geschrieben von peacemaker2002 am 31. März 2002 20:09:58:

Zu deinem Titel:
Jetzt wird es ernst!
Findest du das nicht etwas übereilt?
Ich finde das panikmachend und hysterisch.

Ich bleibe jedenfalls da, wo ich bin.
Mit Kindern und Mann, Katzen und Hund.
Im HAus mit Notfallkeller und Notfallvorrat!

Also, immer mit der Ruhe!
Die Richtigen kommen immer durch!
Grüße Maria

>hier nochmal der gesamte pressebericht...
>und das ist nicht so abgeschwächt wie in den deutschen medien,
>hier werde deutliche worte gesagt..
>Jordan warns Israel over
> crackdown
> Palestinians in Jordan demonstrate their feelings
> Jordan has summoned the Israeli ambassador
> and threatened unspecified measures in
> protest at the assault on the headquarters of
> Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
> Jordan's Foreign Minister Marwan Muasher told
> the Israeli Ambassador, David Dadonn, that "if
> Israel pursues its actions against the
> Palestinians and does not immediately
> withdraw (from the territories) Jordan will take
> measures".
> He also formally asked the five permanent
> members of the UN Security Council to send an
> international military force immediately to the
> Palestinian territories.
> Jordan signed a peace
> treaty with Israel in
> 1994, but there have
> been angry anti-Israeli
> demonstrations in the
> past few days in the
> capital, Amman, and in
> Palestinian refugee
> camps.
> A Jordanian
> Government official
> quoted by the French
> AFP news agency said
> that "breaking off
> diplomatic ties is a
> measure that Jordan will only take if it is
> forced to do so, because a dialogue under the
> current circumstances is vital and only Jordan
> can undertake it".
> Correspondents say Jordan could further
> downgrade its representation in Israel, ask the
> Israeli ambassador to leave or suspend ties.
> Jordan delayed the departure of its new
> ambassador to Israel in October 2000 in
> protest at Israel's crackdown on the
> Palestinians.
> Arab world in ferment
> Arabs across the Middle East have
> demonstrated in their thousands against the
> Israeli military action in the West Bank.
> Morocco's King Mohamed VI has also
> threatened to take unspecified measures
> against Israel unless it pulls its troops out of
> Ramallah, Qatar-based Al-Jazeera television
> reported.
> Egypt - the first Arab country to sign a peace
> deal with Israel - on Sunday condemned
> Washington's failure to criticise Israel's assault
> in Ramallah.
> "Admittedly, the United States cannot or does
> not want to put pressure on Israel, but Israel
> needs someone to save it from itself," said
> Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher.
> "I cannot imagine that the United States can
> stay silent in the face of these Israeli actions
> without saying: enough, enough, enoug
>und jetzt die drohung israels an Syrien...
>Israel has said its air strikes on suspected
> Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon were a
> warning signal to Syria.
> Defence Minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer said the
> guerrillas could not have launched recent
> attacks on Israel without the knowledge and
> approval of Syria, which has a large military
> contingent in the country.
> Hezbollah fighters are
> reported to have fired
> mortars and rockets
> on at least three
> Israeli positions in the
> disputed Shebaa
> Farms border area on
> Saturday.
> "We do not want to
> open a new front, we
> do not want an
> escalation but this
> operation could not
> have taken place
> without the knowledge
> and authorisation of Syria," Mr Ben Eliezer said.
> Witnesses described heavy smoke rising from
> one Israeli military post after the Hezbollah
> attacks.
> Israeli jets responded by firing several
> air-to-surface missiles and Israeli artillery
> reportedly shelled the outskirts of Hasbaya, a
> town on the Lebanese side of the border.
> There were no reports of casualties.
> Flashpoint
> It was the first Israeli raid on southern
> Lebanon since late January.
> A Hezbollah statement said the guerrilla
> attacks were part of the organisation's
> campaign to "liberate" the area from Israeli
> control.
> An Israeli army spokesman said it was a
> deliberate attempt to escalate the conflict.
> "Hezbollah wishes in a crude and violent
> fashion to heat up the area and provoke
> Israel," said Lieutenant Colonel Olivier
> Rafowicz.
> The Shebaa Farms have been a flashpoint
> since Israel pulled out of Lebanon in May 2000.
> Israel seized the farms in 1967 from Syria, but
> Lebanon claims the area as its territory.
>also nach entspannung sieht es nicht aus..,klar ben elliezer hat auch
>die USA als Rückendeckung.., aber ich glaub nicht das das so aufgehen wird..
>Bush und seine Berater sind dumm, wenn die denken, das ganze ist ein Brunsh...
>warten wirs mal ab, Krieg oder Frieden, das hängt von einigen grösstenwahnsinnigen ab....traurig..
>wehe wehe wehe, wenn ich nur das ende sehe (wilh. bush)
>p.s diesmal sieht es etwas anders aus, als in 1999 und das ganz deutlich...
>kommt gut durch...
