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Geschrieben von leo am 13. Januar 2006 00:28:

Als Antwort auf: Re: Iran-Russland geschrieben von Stephan Berndt am 13. Januar 2006 00:26:01:

Die wie ich finde interessantesten Passagen, ein Schelm...

Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 12, 2006; A18

Russia Won't Block U.S. on Iran
Commitment Is Cited by Officials Pressing for IAEA Vote

---Russia's pledge was good only for when a vote takes place inside the IAEA. U.S. officials said they remain uncertain as to how Moscow, a traditional ally of Iran's, would react if the issue gets to the Security Council, where Moscow is one of five countries with veto power.

Still, Bush administration officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity saw the Russian decision as a victory and said they would spend the next several weeks lobbying China for a similar commitment. "We spent much of our time working on the Russians, but we're now moving the focus to China," said one administration official who would only discuss the backroom diplomacy on the condition of anonymity.

The White House is hoping the IAEA board will refer Iran's case to the Security Council before President Bush delivers the State of the Union address at the end of the month, according to two senior administration officials.---

--- The timing is ideal, U.S. officials said. John R. Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, takes over the presidency of the Security Council for one month beginning on Feb. 1, giving Washington the opportunity to place Iran at the top of the council agenda.---
