Re: Erinnerung - Heute Andechs 19 Uhr
Geschrieben von basecampUSA am 06. Januar 2006 21:45:22:
Als Antwort auf: Erinnerung - Heute Andechs 19 Uhr geschrieben von Mati am 06. Januar 2006 17:35:43:
>Hallo an alle,
>nur noch mal zur Erinnerung:
>Heute ist das von Basey angeregte Treffen in Andechs um 19 Uhr im Klostergasthof.
>Es ist dort ein Tisch auf den Namen "Forum" reserviert.
>Viele Grüße
>@Johannes: Schade, dass Du nicht kommen kannst. Vielleicht klappt es ja ein anderes Mal..?
I sit here, several thousand kilometers to the west of Andechs, the Holy Mountain of Bavaria.
There in a space of 6 hours difference, a group of people are gathered at this moment to experience what I had hoped and prayed for. A kindling of the flames of friendship, peace and love for the exploration of future events and prophecy.
Oh, how I longed to be there... I sit here at my computer with a gray "Bempel" with the logo of Andechs and the very last bottle of Andechs doppelbock that has sat in the back of my refrigerator all these years. It still tastes good, and I reflect back on the times that I spent at Andechs. Would that phenomena return?, someone had said it might... Would others see the mysterious cross glowing low in the sky? Who knows... only 2 people out of a group of 9 standing outside at the time saw it so long ago, why? Why did the others not see it?
In love and peace, -Basey
Let your love be light to the world...
- ;-))) basecampUSA 07.1.2006 21:01 (0)