Re: 8.1.06 - Garabandal - Warnung

Geschrieben von Gast am 02. Januar 2006 22:15:

Als Antwort auf: Laut Bibelcode soll am 8.Januar 2006 was passieren? geschrieben von Vision2006 am 02. Januar 2006 17:13:

>hi ich bin neu hier und lese oft den Bibelcode doch was soll am 8 Januar 2006 denn passieren weiß da einer mehr drüber?

Garabandal Great Warning January 8th?

Got this in email on Saturday. Anyone have any info on it?

---Begin Here---
Well obviously I'm getting this out at the last minute. The information first came to me via Andrew Rabel . He offered the below information [with the caveat, and I have to agree, that it's dubious {as is any forecast of the Warning} but, as I indicated, *possible* {plus it would seem to correlate with a 4/13/06 Miracle}]: writes:
...[A] woman in Rome told me...[about] an alleged "mystic" in Britain named Nora Arthurs. The story is she has been asked to go to Garabandal on December 28, to make an announcement on January 1, that the warning, the illumination of conscience, [b]will take place on January 8 at 3 pm, the hour of divine mercy[/b]. But she has been allowed to tell some friends (one is the woman who lives in Rome) so that people can get to confession beforehand...

Later, Judy Gormley provided similar information:
...a woman in England named Nora Arthur... It seems as though Nora has been getting messages for a very long time. She is 89 years old. Her spiritual director is Fr James Marrow. Nora revealed that the date of the Warning will be Jan 8 2006, the feast of the Epiphany at the hour of Mercy. [b]From this they have pinpointed the date of the Miracle as April 13, the feast of St. Hermenigild, a Eucharistic Martyr[/b].

Nora did not plan to make the trip to Garabandal, but the Lord told her to do so.

Could this be true?

Then from Dr. G.J. Weisensee of Sweden:
Just some information about the warning. From Nora Arthurs in Canvey Island/UK we heard and read, that the warning is coming on January 8, 2006. It will be publicly
announced from Garanabdal on January 1, 2006.

[Remarks from] other seers:
Gisela (from Germany): Jesus told her to get churches ready, because people would come by the thousands to confess.
Debora (from Italy): Go to a good confession before Xmas.
Another seer (Luisa? in English): I received a message from her, dated December 15, 2005. There Jesus says to her, the warning is coming on my birthday. That could mean Xmas, it could mean January 6 (as the orthodoxes have it) or on the day he got presented in the temple: January 8, 2006.
Before that there will be great could and millions of outages: That means the week after Xmas.


So although this "message" defies better judgement [although Confession is ALWAYS good], it does tie-in with recent [mid-2005] speculation:

If in 2006, the Miracle would be on April 13th. Per prophecy, the Warning ['adviso' in Spanish] will come between 8 days and 12 months before the Miracle. Many sources close to Garabandal have indicated that the interim will be shorter rather than longer. Furthermore,Conchita is supposed to 'announce' the date of the Miracle 8 days prior. Many have wondered how she could possibly broadcast this notification worldwide. It is said that the announcement will be 'a miracle in itself.'

Although there are no direct clues to indicate so, [b]Conchita has indirectly *alluded* that the Miracle would come during Holy Week [on Holy Thursday to be precise, and when better since the Miracle will be EUCHARISTIC in nature]. April 13th, 2006 is Holy Thursday[/b].

Then there is that seemingly favored number - 13. Not until 2017 does April 13th again fall on Holy Thursday. It is almost inconceivable that the Miracle would be so much longer in coming [and remember, we can fully expect the Warning/Miracle SOON after the 'end of these times' which theoretically {per Conchita in 1965} began with the death of JPII].

ADDITIONALLY, the feastdayof St. Hermenegild, vitually the only Saint to match the clues given by Conchita for the coinciding feastday, is April 13th.
