Re: @alle, die hier mitschreiben möchten

Geschrieben von Salzburger am 18. Dezember 2005 10:36:

Als Antwort auf: @alle, die hier mitschreiben möchten geschrieben von Forumsmaster am 17. Dezember 2005 18:43:17:

>Hallo Forum,

Kennt jemand das prophetische Buch von David Wilkerson einem prominenten Pastor aus US THE VISION
Sprache: Englisch
Taschenbuch - Fleming H Revell Co
Erscheinungsdatum: November 1980

Ich habe dazu nur Kommentare aus amazon gefunden

zb: Rezensentin/Rezensent: aus United States
I am a big critic of modern day prophets and doomsayers. I found this book lying around my mom's house (world's biggest sucker for so-called prophets)began to read this 1970's book. Mr. Wilkerson apparently was based on a vision from God to him about the future of America. By reading the book you could tell Wilkerson believed his vision would come true no later than the seventies. Here it is 1999 and the US is still here as prosperous as ever, however, some of Wilkerson's predictions are eerily becoming true. Here are the ones that caught my attention.

1. Pornography will become available inside households through means of technology.

2. Children will become filled with anger and begin doing highly publicized acts of violence and all of the country would be trying to figure out why.

3. Natural diasters will greatly increase in the United States.

Those were the predictions that I thought were frightenly accurate. The vision is filled with many other predictions which have not happened (I suppose Wilkerson would say at least not yet.) He talks about our economic collapse, fires across the country, some 1984ish type of government emerging. So although I would not spend more than a few bucks on this 1970's I would recommend you check it out to see what you make of this guy's predictions which seem to becoming true
