Re: Earth change Part 2
Geschrieben von Zitrone am 17. Dezember 2005 10:34:57:
Als Antwort auf: Earth change geschrieben von Zitrone am 17. Dezember 2005 10:28:41:
Luke 21:25-26
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
While the world plunges ever deeper into the front waters of the CENTRAL SUN'S COSMIC WAVE everything in our Solar System is changing at record rates. It is not just PLANET EARTH that is taking the hits, it is every planet is our system that is going through unprecedented changes, and no one knows why, that is, no one in the world that does not believe the Bible. Daniel the prophet said that the WICKED WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND, BUT THAT THE WISE WILL UNDERSTAND. The Book of Kolbrin tells us that THE WISE KNOW WHERE THE DESTROYER WENT, AND WHEN IT WILL RETURN. The book of Enoch tells us that the people of the Lord will know and will understand what is happening and why it is so.
In our STATE OF THE WORLD 2005 message, we started with EARTH CHANGES, because those would be the FIRST SIGNS OF IMPENDING TROUBLE, the BIRTH PANGS OF A NEW ERA that people would actually begin to notice. The political signs, the technological signs, the military signs would, for the most part, go sailing right by UNNOTICED, and it has occurred that way. ALL OF THESE SIGNS CONVERGING, ONE UPON ANOTHER, INCREASING IN RAPIDITY, would signal that the END OF THE ERA, or END OF THE AGE was near, even at the doors. Lets review PART of the list we gave in that report, still posted below for you to download and distribute as you see fit.
If we simply view all of the news coming in from around the world, we see that INDEED and IN FACT we are having RECORD BREAKING KILLER HEAT IN A MULTITUDE OF NATIONS. The United States has been hit by record breaking temperatures all over the nation, and the end is no where in sight. It has killed scores of people, and more will die as the EARTH FRIES under drastic climate changes now in progress. And yet, this is nothing compared to what is coming upon the Earth.When we say RECORD BREAKING HEAT WAVES, we are severely understating the true nature of the problem. Entire nations will be hit severely as the climate changes around the world. It will come much faster than anyone realizes right now. The Bible says that mankind will be SCORCHED WITH FIRE. Now the word "SCORCHED" is interesting in light of what is happening to our Sun. Back in 1998 we posted an article that said that SOLAR CYCLE 23 would merge with SOLAR CYCLE 24 and the Sun would show increasing signs of INSTABILITY AND FLUCTUATION. The sun has done exactly that.
The Sun will continue in its rampage of instability until IT FLARES TO SEVEN TIMES THE BRIGHTNESS IT HAS TODAY. The moon will also give off the same light as the sun does today. What we are watching right now are the precursor events leading up to that MINI-NOVA CONDITION. I have been told that scientists reclassified the Sun as a variable output star some time ago, and also that they noticed changes in the light spectrum emitted, which infers a possible change in fuels, and at the very least, the onset of instability.
These changes in the Sun, caused by changes in the CENTRAL SUN, which is the core of the Milky Way galaxy, will continue to grow as we go through the next months and years. There will be periods of relative calm, followed by more CME's in the M and X-class, some going totally off-scale. These changes will also produce mega changes in Earth's climate and weather. There will be a continued climb in earthquake magnitudes and volcanic eruptions.
One thing you must remember as we enter into these changes, and that is the FIRST PHASE OF THESE CHANGES WILL INTRODUCE THE WORLD TO THE ANTICHRIST WORLD GOVERNMENT SYSTEM. These changes will then cease for a period of time as the world thinks it has entered into a NEW GOLDEN AGE. The respite from the changes will last only a very short time, and then PHASE TWO of EARTH CHANGES WILL BEGIN. PHASE TWO IS FAR WORSE THAN ANYTHING THIS WORLD HAS EVER SEEN.