Re: @Wesenheit: Web-Bots
Geschrieben von Wandervogel am 20. Juni 2005 18:19:38:
Als Antwort auf: @ITOma und andere geschrieben von WesenheitX am 20. Juni 2005 15:51:34:
>Wie schaut´s eigentlich mit diesen Programmen aus, die das Netz auf
>"Begriffe" durchforsten (oder wie und was die Dinger auch immer machen) ?
>Lieben Gruß
Huhu Wesi! :-)))
Hab hier den Text aus UrbanSurvival schaut nicht gut aus!
Nachdem die Bots gravierende Ereignisse wie 9/11 und den Tsunami schon Monate im voraus angekündigt haben, nähert sich nun auch ein vermutlich im NW Pazifik(ev. auch Neuseeland) stattfindendes Großbeben, seit 1. April diesen Jahres geht die Auswertung in diese Richtung.Außerdem erwartet man bei halfpasthuman auch noch drei Beben über 8.0 zwischen jetzt und dem Labor Day(5.Sept.).
herzlichen Gruß
wvDamn Web Bots
The latest part of the ALTA 905 series has been released by Cliff (and Igor) of and the outlook for the balance of the year has continued to deteriorate. Let me try to put this into perspective for you.
From the top: We use a linguistic shift analysis program that focuses on very subtle changes in the use of language on the internet as a predictor of future events. While we've gotten tons of "right" predictions (.e.g. 9/11, the space shuttle disaster, Northeast power outage, DC sniper case, etc) right, we have also noticed that the more lead time before an event occurs, the larger the event.
Think of it as an event in the future pushing a bow wave, just as a ship would. The bigger the emotional impact of the event, the more lead time we seem to get: E.G. 9/11 was a "global tipping point" visible in the data about 140 days before the event. The Sumatra quake and tsunami ("400,000 dead" "land returned to a previous age") was in the data as early as the first week of August 2004 - almost 5-months ahead of the actual events. On this pending event we are getting lots of lead time - which means a huge event is likely with resulting huge emotive sums.
Now we fast forward to the present string of references which seem to point to a major earthquake/plate shift event focused on the Pacific Northwest. We have been seeing this in the data series since before April 1st of this year, and if you click over to, Cliff has posted the original April 3 forecast warnings for free reading.
I mention this because the technology continues to point to a major Northwest event with some ambiguity that could be interpreted as pointing toward a geographic solutions in New Zealand, however the Pacific Northwest is more likely.
In the latest run. you can get a taste of what is expected (posted here exclusively with permission) in the wake of the quake when it finally shows up (which I expect to be early in the morning before a work day):
"There are a large, and growing number of these aspect/attribute sets which go to the idea of 'roads' and 'roads with feet' and 'roads, blanketed/covered {with} people' such that the image in total is of a very large number of people either walking down roads normally reserved for cars, or simply hanging about on the roads, as the data would have it 'driven from the doors, dust, foul smells'. Many of these people are seen as injured. Mostly we are getting references to nasty, but not life threatening injuries. We find fully populated aspect sets to the idea of 'blind in one eye, rocks, chips, shreds', and 'lame, both feet broken', or 'toppled, head gashed'. Further there are a number of aspects which, through cross links to Populace, go to the images of 'bandages, shortage/lack', and 'water washes blood, bandages/wraps'. Many of these are also hanging under aspects which contain descriptors toward this nursing activity taking place 'in the road/roadway'.
As we proceed to examine the individual cross links and the originating data source, we get a new image arising which contains references to 'new social condition, unfamiliar', as well as others such as 'unfamiliar conventions, different social surroundings, hesitation', and 'gratification to fulfill the needs of the people, wounded'. We also see that 'water carriers, gifts' will be 'appreciated as life'. A cautionary note emerges suggesting 'cheerfully forgive' the social 'errors' which will 'arise {due to} unfamiliar social conditions' as 'no intention of offense' is present, and all is resulting from 'stress of shaking ground, pulses through feet'. Further we see that 'ten times in one day' the people in the 'roadway' will 'wait out' the shakes by sitting down"
As soon as such a quake occurs, Elaine and I will probably head for the ranch pronto because it could portend a huge Pacific Plate shift - and that's a fine time not to be in Southern California in our view.
Oh, and yes, we are still looking at 3 great quakes over 8.0 between now and around Labor Day if the data is right. Oh well...
- Re: @Wesenheit: Web-Bots WesenheitX 20.6.2005 19:10 (0)
- Re: Lieben Dank :-) (owT) WesenheitX 20.6.2005 18:58 (0)