Zeta's + 12.Planet

Geschrieben von Andy am 16. Februar 2001 20:51:00:


Hier nun die Antwort von der Uni Genf bezüglich meiner Anfrage zum 12.Planet der angeblich gesichtet wurde :



The observatory of Neuchatel is no more dedicated to astronomy and
transmitted me your question.

I have some difficulties to recognise the observatory of Neuchâtel
in the message given on the URL address:

There is a confusion between
comets:small kernels of ice-mantle dusts subliming at the solar heat
typical mass: 10^16kg (Earth 6*10^24kg),
brown dwarfs: stars with a mass of 10^29 kg, and
pulsars: remnant of a massive star mass 3-5*10^30kg

Brown stars are absolutely not a stade before pulsars.

The terminology seems to be astronomical, but the physical concepts
are fantaisist. Sorry.

Finally, there is a town Neufchâtel in France. Do it have an

Best regards. B. Nicolet


naja, ich werde den typen mal weiter löchern.


