Detoxification, Deacidification, ...

Geschrieben von Chaos am 15. Februar 2001 02:16:35:

Ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus einem Interview mit Dr. Leonard Horowitz:

HOROWITZ: There are five critical steps. Everyone should do the first
three, the last two would be particularly important for people who are
sick with chronic

The first step is detoxification, because we've all virtually eaten of
Babylon's harvest, we've all eaten the garbage that comes from Monsanto
and Dow Chemical and
Archer Daniel and all their genetically engineered foods and the
chemicals and the fluorides and the chlorines, you know, just all of
this stuff that we've been putting
into our bodies that's literally toxic wastes. So we need to detox.

Step two is deacidification, to change your body's chemistry, making it
more alkaline. It's only in the acid state that your body gets into that
causes the growth of
bacteria, viruses, fungus, molds, and cancer, cancer cells. They cannot
grow in an environment, a terrain, that is more alkaline. And what
causes your body chemistry
to go acidic and become a breeding ground for the bacterial and
infectious agents? The main

lifestyle risks are caffeine, nicotine, sugar, refined carbohydrates,
alcohol, pharmaceuticals - virtually all of them, including antibiotics.
And then, red meats. That, plus
stress, are the seven factors that cause your body chemistry to become
more acidic. So you want to eliminate those or reduce them as much as

And then that, along with some nutrients, water - like you saw when I
sat down, I took this lemon and squeezed this lemon into this water. The
reason I did that is
because by doing that, because the lemon has a lot of calcium in it, it
turns to calcium hydroxide in drinking water. That's alkalising. It
raises the PH of that water
from about 7 to about 8. So now I'm drinking PH 8 water instead of PH 7
water. That's step two, deacidification.

So step three, then, is boosting your immune system in every way
possible. In other words, step one is detoxification, step two is
deacidification, and now you can
go out and spend your money effectively with your vitamins and your
minerals and your supplements. You can get the value out of co-enzymes,
you know. You can
get the value out of the olive leaf extract. Out of the variety of other
vital nutrients and botanicals. There's a whole revolution in that
health science.

People think that all they have to do is take those supplements, but if
they're throwing those supplements into an intoxicated terrain and an
acidified terrain, it's a
waste of your dollar. It's so much less expensive to go through an easy
detoxification program using fresh squeezed lemonade that you make with
maple syrup and
fresh squeezed lemons and cayenne pepper. That's one of the
recommendations that we do, the old Stanley Burrough's Master Cleanser
type of things.

It's also extremely beneficial when you're talking about this upper
respiratory infection, because particularly those people who have low
body temperatures with this
upper respiratory infection. You can raise your body temperature with
the hot cayenne pepper. Cayenne just happens to be one of the most
alkalising agents you can
put in your body. So you've really done to things. You've detoxed and
deacidified all in one step. Now, let me finish on step three. We've
just talked about nutritional
supplements and nutrition a little bit, but besides the physical there's
mental, emotion, social, environmental and, above all, spiritual changes
that people need to make
to really prepare their temples of God to withstand the plagues.

So that's step three. Then, if you're sick and ailing, you go on to
steps four and five.

Steps four and five have both been heavily suppressed by the same
Rockefeller-directed international banksters, blood banksters and
medical monopolists. They are
oxygenation therapies and bioelectric therapies.

REDDEN: Those are both new to me.

HOROWITZ: They're new to virtually everybody because of the suppression
of the entire fields. I have in possession, for example, a paper that
was published in the
Journal of Blood, I think it was 1991, by Poitz and his colleagues, for
the American Hematology Society, and it was in the very prestigious
medical journal, Blood.
Now Poitz is one of the doctors I exposed royally in the book Emerging
Viruses, AIDS and Ebola. And what is he investigating here and showing
works terrifically?
The oxygenation of the blood to clean up the blood of the AIDS virus.

Now that was 1991. Colleagues of mine have shown me the documents,
scientific documentation that said that knowledge was not available in
81, not 71. but even
decades before that they knew how effective oxygen was in
decontaminating the blood, inexpensively. So now here you have a virtual
Rockefeller-related researcher
publishing in the most prestigious medical journal, and to this day do
you think they're cleaning the blood of Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B and
AIDS virus completely?
No, they're still not, because they're still not using oxygenation
technologies to clean the blood up.

So oxygenation can be not only used for that, in a public health sense,
but also by individuals. There are a number of products that are
available. There's oxygen
bars. I understand that Woody Harrelson just opened up an oxygen bar, I
think it was in Las Vegas or somewhere else.

There's a product called Body Oxygen, which is one of the products that
I have developed. It's an excellent product. What it does is, what most
people who are
involved in oxygen treatment use 35 percent of food grade hydrogen
peroxide, between 4 and 24 drops in an 8-ounce glass of water. That
oxygenates the water.
But the problem is, it's really caustic to touch. It burns you skin. And
it tastes horrible. If you drink it, it's horrible. What we did is, we
put it into a cold press, organic
aloe vera and then we added additional immune boosters, so you're
getting your oxygen, you're getting your aloe, which is great for your
gut, and your getting
hawthorne berry, ginko and St. Johns Wart. which is excellent for
