Weiß jemand, wie alt Mari Loli LaFleurs Kinder sind?

Geschrieben von Deyvotelh am 20. Dezember 2004 14:53:04:

Hallo miteinander!

In einer Garabandal-Page las ich, daß das Strafgericht erst kommt, wenn die Kinder einer der Seherinnen - Mari Loli Lafleur - erwachsen sind.
Ein früherer Kollege sagte mir einst, voll inkarniert wäre man erst im Alter von 30 Jahren.

"The visionary, Mari Loli, wrote about the events leading up to the Chastisement:

".....During the night of terror, although we could still see the Blessed Virgin, we also saw a great multitude of people who were suffering very much and screaming with such anguish....
"The Blessed Virgin has explained to us that this great tribulation-which was not, as yet, the Chastisement-will arrive because there will come a time when the Church will seem about to disappear; it will undergo a terrible trial. We asked the Blessed Virgin what this trial was called and she told us, 'Communism'.
"Then the Virgin made us see how a great Chastisement would upon mankind and that this Chastisement would come directly from God.
"At a certain time, not a single motor or machine will operate; a terrible heart wave will come down upon the earth and men and women will start experiencing a great thirst; they will search desperately for water, but due to the great heat, the water will evaporate. Then most people will fall into despair and try to kill one another....but they will not have the strength to do it it; they will fall to the ground, one after the other. That is when they will realize that it is God who justly permits this.
"Finally we saw a large number of people enveloped in flames. They were running to throw themselves into the sea and lakes, but as they would enter the water, the water seemed to boil and instead of putting out the flames, would make it worse.
"It was so horrible, that I asked the Blessed Virgin to take with her all our little children so that this would not happen to them. But the Virgin told us that when this day comes, the children will have already grown....."

Eine kanadische Seite, die nicht funktioniert, googelt folgendes:

"... through my husband who, even before he had heard of Garabandal, wore the ... with her
husband, Frank, three children, Maria Dolores (3), Melanie (5), and Francis ...
www.ourlady.ca/info/nearerEnd.htm "

Dann gab es noch eine Audienz beim Papst 1988, als die 3 Kinder wirklich noch klein waren, außer Francis, der damals schon 13 war.
Diesmal funktioniert http://www.ourlady.ca/info/loliWithPope.htm wieder.

Francis wird also 2005 30 Jahre alt, interessant ist, wie alt Melanie und Maria Dolorez sind.

MfG Deyvotelh
