USA befürworten Angriff Indiens auf Pakistans Kernwaffen-Arsenal

[ Prophezeiungen & Aktuelles Weltgeschehen ]

Geschrieben von Hagen am 24. Januar 2002 18:19:54:

ich habe da zwar nicht so einen tiefen Einblick in die Vorgänge im Mittleren Osten. Aber das Bild hat sich doch schon aufgedrängt, dass Indien es den USA gleichtun will mit der "Terrorismusbekämpfung". Woher die Terrorangriffe nachweislich nun gekommen sind, ist überhaupt nicht wichtig. Wichtig scheint zu sein, den ganzen nahen und mittleren Osten so bald es geht in Flammen zu setzen. Dafür gibt es in den Regierungen der USA, Israel und scheinbar auch Indien wohl eine große Lobby. Ich kann mir das nur so erklären, dass diese Leute Psychopathen sind, die eine unwahrscheinliche Genugtuung dabei empfinden, die ganze Welt (einschließlich sich selbst) in die Luft zu sprengen.

Pakistan's nuclear arsenal may be target of Indian reprisals with the blessing of Washington
US tells India that a strike against Pakistan should be 'limited'

Ilnur Cevik

The United States has recently told India that if it decided to punish Pakistan for aiding terrorists it should launch a limited strike against this country, Turkish and diplomatic sources reported.

The sources said that the United States had cautioned New Delhi that the strikes should not be extensive and should only target Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.

Information of the possibility of India launching an attack and that this would have the American blessing came to the Turkish Daily News last week through highly placed Turkish sources. The information was later confirmed by diplomatic sources in Ankara.

The TDN was told that the issue had also been discussed between the United States and Israel. Observers have drawn attention to the fact that security relations between India and Israel have increased in recent years. Israel is providing sophisticated equipment to India to combat terrorists based in Pakistan.

Both Washington and Israel have been weary about Pakistan's nuclear arms program. There seems to be deep concern that such an "Islamic bomb" could fall into the hands of the "wrong people" and be used against either the United States or Israel.

Diplomatic sources in Ankara said that the threat of such an Indian attack on Pakistan seemed to ease after U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's visit to the two countries recently.

However, the TDN was told that with Tuesday's terrorist attack against the U.S. mission in Calcutta, which left four policemen dead and 20 people wounded, Indian anger had once again reached boiling point.



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