Red Elk`s Vision: Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Rainier und die Westküste

Geschrieben von mica am 30. September 2004 15:18:39:

Als Antwort auf: Strafen des Himmels ?? geschrieben von franke43 am 30. September 2004 10:26:46:

>Wenn der Mount St. Helens ausbricht, dann trifft das den
>Nordwesten der USA. Der Südosten ist ständigen Orkanen
>ausgesetzt. Die USA wird dann also regelrecht in die "Zange"
>genommen, und zwar durch Naturkräfte. Fehlt nur noch das
>schon lange erwartete grosse Erdbeben im Südwesten, dann
>wäre das Chaos perfekt.

Hallo Franke und Forum,

dazu gibts die Vision von Red Elk aus dem Jahr 2002/03:

"What I’d like to say, if at all possible, is to the people:
The line IS drawn. Capitalize IS. There will be no more fence-straddling. You’re either going to be for Good, or for self.
Basically, we’ve only got about 2½ years before war comes to our shores, and WE lose. But it won’t be a total loss.

The Great Hand of the Creator will slap-down on the foreign armies that occupy the USA. It will slap-down three times, and every foreign personnel who are connected with taking us over will flee. But, nevertheless, war is due.

There will be a M7.2 earthquake on the West Coast. Somewhere rolling in from the Portland, Oregon area. Now, I do not know if that’s Portland included, but from that particular area, up toward Washington. Date or year unknown, but it will be early on a beautiful Spring morning.

Mount St. Helens will blow again, going through the lava tubes, wiping-out Cougar, Washington—going towards Portland. I don’t know if the winds catch it before or after, and then blow it along the coast, and inland again, East, as before. Time and date and year unknown—but it will be. It will be as before, on a beautiful Spring morning, between 6:00 and 10:30 a.m. More towards Summer, I think, because it’s a very beautiful day.

Mt. Rainer will blow approximately just under 1/4 of its top, like an arrow shooting up. And then it will turn around and come down and fill the gap that it had left, creating air pressure far into the inlands of Eastern Washington, Kittitas County. There will be holes from a few mere inches to 60 feet or so across, that are blown out with just air pressure, nothing to do with lava. This will happen sometime approaching or during elk season, which is Fall time. Again, the time and year unknown."

