Re: Einfach nur falsch.

Geschrieben von JeFra am 15. September 2004 09:56:34:

Als Antwort auf: Einfach nur falsch. geschrieben von DaveRave am 14. September 2004 10:21:31:

Falsch. Putins Mutter heißt Marija. Quelle:

Könnte sein, daß Gilgamesch den Vatersnamen der Mutter meint. Aber belegt hat er seine Behauptung trotzdem nicht, soweit ich sehe.

Gilgamesch ist ein Joghurtbecher.

Der Name heißt wohl, wörtlich übersetzt, «Alter Mann- junger Mann.» So jedenfalls John. L Hayes, A manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts, S. 153:

Bil3-ga-mesh3 This appears to be the more original meaning of the name fmiliarly known to us as «Gilgamesh». The apparent meaning of the name is «The old man (bil3-ga) is (now) a young man (mesh3)». This sounds like an odd given name. Maureen Kovacs translates the name as «The Old One is Youthful,» and adds «Such a meaning is inherently unlikely for a name given at birth, so it may have been given at his coronation». It may also have been an epithet applied to him after his death. In either case, his given name is thus unknown. It is also not impossible that the name had some other completely different meaning, and the standard interpretation is an ancient Mesopotamien folk etymology.

