Text und Links zum Thema "Nibiru"
Geschrieben von Epidophekles am 22. Juli 2004 15:06:39:
Als Antwort auf: Lebt Nibiru wieder auf? geschrieben von Epidophekles am 22. Juli 2004 12:34:54:
danke für die Warnsignale!
Ich weiss nicht, was ich davon halten soll, denn leider habe ich mit englisch Mühe. Zum Bild jedenfalls tauchen bereits Fragen auf, nur schon wegen den Helligkeitswerten: Der angebliche 'Mond' ist so hellleuchtend, der 'Planet' ist nur schwach sichtbar, und auf der Sonnen-zugewandten Seite dunkler....Damit Interessierte besser urteilen können, kopiere ich hier folgenden unvollständigen Text hinein. Ich erhielt ihn aus jener yahoo!group, die ich verlinkte und der ich mal schnell beigetreten bin, um mich da umzuschauen.
Gruss von Epi
PS: Den Text musste ich erst aus dem PDF-Format ausdrucken, dann mit dem Texterkennungs-Programm einscannen. Daher ist es möglich, dass da noch Einlese-Fehler drin auftauchen.
Waming, stop right here! Read no further if you don't want to understand how, why and when the earth's surface is going to change so abruptly, as to possibly leading to taking out as much as 90% of the population in many areas. You'll find why these changes happen regularly, how often, who knows it, and how the inforrnation is being given out. You'll also grasp why this may be your first exposure to this knowledge, or at least the first untainted divulging.
There's absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. Our sun's 10th Planet disrupts the surface of every planet in our solar system as it passes on its regular orbit. Earth is not being singled out. Only a few hundred million people will survive. Now ask yourself this question. Do you want to be one of thern? Do you have a sincere desire to pick up the pieces and help build a new one?
This world's culture has unhealthy and healthy of all ages. Are you healthy and mature enough mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually to give it a go? lf not, forget you ever read this. The details and sources will be worthless to you in the short life you have left. Just keep living from day to day like there's no tomorrow. lf you've any unhealthy personal habits like drug use, lack of exercise or over eating, don't worry about changing thern. Most won't live any longer doing so. So enjoy what ever small pleasures' guilt free from this point on. The things you've been putting off, do them now. You may never get another chance. lf you don't like doing something, stop it. There's no point anymore.
Now for the rest of you who want a tomorrow, to be informed, forewarned and attempt to place a reservation for yourself and loved ones in the aftertimes. This could be the hardest hitting book you'll ever read. The controllers of the media, money markets and the world's government leaders are fülly aware and prepared. They are not going to announce the impending calamities, although Russia's leaders did pretty much let the story slip out at least once, which PR detail a little later on here. For the most part they're only allowing this inforination out through grass root sources. So escape with me here among the grass, and you'll find out the many roots this information is being brought to you from.
Additional Web sitesCataclysm: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B. C. This book is a description of a massive earth disruption those records match those of a major pole shift. This event took place approximately three cycles of 3600 years ago or about 11,000 years ago.
http://www.knowledge.co.uk/xxx/eat/earth/Did Science get it wrong? This is a description of the earth trauma which is elaborated upon in the book Cataclysm.
http://www.isleofavalon.co.uk/edu/g?bank/articles/phaeton.htmlA Forest From the Past Ice Age ? Trees Record the Toll of the Last Time the World Warmed. A sudden global event about 10,000 years ago served to rapidly submerged a forest of trees in Michigan.
http://abcnews.go.com/sections/science/DyeHard/dyehard000223.htmlThe Changing Face of the Thera Problem. This is a discussion of the major volcanic eruption at Thera in the Mediterranean, some 3600 years ago. This may relate to the most previous arrival of Planet X.
http://www.ucd.ie/~classics/94/Luce94.htmlOn The Possibillty Of Very Rapid Shifts Of The Poles. This is an analysis which shows that impact by a modest?size asteroid could cause a very rapid shift of the poles. lt is reasonable to assume that an adjacent passage by a very large planet could do the same, even though impact was not involved. The evidence is very strong for a pole shift occurring about 11,000 years ago.
http://www.unibg.it/dmsia/dynamics/poles.htmlCyclostratigraphy. This analysis shows that the various oscillations in the rotation of the earth all have a period which is a multiple of 3600 years, the period of Planet X, which suggests that the retum of this planet exerts a periodic influence on the earth.
http://www.coastvillage.com/origins/articles/pye/cyclostratigraphyEarth Changes from Two Sources. This page includes a summary of the upcoming earth changes from two sources: (1) An analysis of messages received from spiritual sources during many Near Death Experiences, and (2) a commentary on these messages from spirit guides who are speaking through a gifted medium.
http://www.afterlife101.com/experiences2/research2_6.htmlA Talk with Ruth Montgomery. The first intuitive 1 chose to give a synopsis of was Ruth Montgomery. In her lifetime she was not just a prophet but a former White House joumalist. She provides messages from her spirit guides relating to the afterlife and also about upcoming earth changes.
http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/2366/montgomery.htmlFor preparedness information contact
360 458-6778More information pointing to 2003: