Re: Patr- i-diotische Selbstzensur

[ Prophezeiungen & Aktuelles Weltgeschehen ]

Geschrieben von Marcus am 03. Januar 2002 18:24:07:

Als Antwort auf: Patr- i-diotische Selbstzensur geschrieben von Freddie am 03. Januar 2002 17:15:04:

Jim Robinson (Free Republic)

Lots of grumbling lately about deleted posts. Well, my
friends, the simple truth is the game has changed. We
are now at war. We have been attacked by a vicious
cold-blooded force of international terrorists who
want to destroy our nation, our freedom and our way of
life. There is no doubt about this. Knowing this, I am
alarmed to read some of the stuff that has been posted
to FR in the last few days. This is not the time to
raise doubts about our leaders. This is not the time
to raise conspiracy theories. This is not the time to
second guess our intelligence agencies. This is war.
This is survival of our way of life. We must unite
behind our Commander-in-chief and do all we possibly
can to support him and our war efforts. We do not have
a choice in this matter.

Wenn es zum "survival of our way of life" nötig ist selbigen abzuschaffen dann muß man schon über eine besondere Logik verfügen um das zu kapieren...

@Freddi: Wenn Du es wirklich brauchst dann geh mal dahin! (einfach irgenwann abbrechen oder halt hart bleiben, die Reaktionen sind interessant) und les mal hier. Schon sowas wie ein Personenkult...


[ Prophezeiungen & Aktuelles Weltgeschehen ]