War with Iraq

Geschrieben von Leionel am 23. Mai 2004 19:04:44:

Messages from Abba and Jesus to Virginia Leach December 22, 2002

(From Abba)

My Dearest Daughter,

The world awaits the coming of My Son on Christmas Day. This should be a time of preparation within your hearts and within your homes. This is a time when My Children should be in prayer more so their hearts and their souls will be in a state of grace to receive My Son. My Children need to be in prayer for it is the final hour before your world will truly be in a state of chaos.


(>From Jesus)

The United States will go to war with Iraq. This will take place because the United States will be hit with one terrorist attack after another. All has been planned and all must come to pass. In the midst of this fighting, My Father will bring about the cosmic event the girls of Garabandal spoke of. Then will the Warning come, followed by the Great Miracle.

It is not My Children's concern to try and figure out the date of either event. This is of no concern of My Children. What should concern My Children is what state of grace your family and fellow brothers and sisters will be in. What is of concern of My Children is how much time you are spending in prayer, how much you are sacrificing, and how much penance you are doing -- all being offered on behalf of your fellow brothers and sisters. When My Father asks you to pray as never before, should this not tell you that the world is on the edge of disaster. Should this not tell you all that matters is how many souls you can save while there is still time to save souls.

My Children who truly call themselves Children of God will do as both My Blessed Mother and Myself, your Jesus, have asked and that is to Pray, Pray, Pray. The Father has also asked you, His Faithful Remnant, to Pray, Pray, Pray. The time is near for many changes, both in the world and in every person's life. Please help to dry the tears of My Mother and I. Once again I ask you, My Children, to Pray, Pray, Pray.


Virginia is a 48-year-old nurse and has been receiving messages from Jesus and Blessed Mother since September 1999. She and her husband, Rick, live in Louisiana. Virginia has two grown sons and one grandson.

