John Walker: 'US Bio Attack Imminent'

[ Prophezeiungen & Aktuelles Weltgeschehen ]

Geschrieben von Freddie am 12. Dezember 2001 08:38:22:

From Drudge Report:

An American Taliban fighter held captive by Marines in Afghanistan has told
American officials that al Qaeda«s next attack on the United States will take
place in days and involve biological weapons, U.S. intelligence officials told
The Washington Times...

John Walker Lindh, the Taliban guerrilla captured near Mazar-e-Sharif, said in
intelligence debriefings at the U.S. Marine Corps base near Kandahar
that "Phase II" of al Qaeda's war against the United States will occur at the
end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which ends Sunday. He told U.S.
intelligence officials that the Ramadan attack will involve the use of
biological weapons... MORE...

The information was among other intelligence reports that led the Bush
administration to issue a public warning last week about a possible terrorist
attack, the officials said...


Weiss eigentlich jemand was dieser ominöse Drudge-Report sein soll? Ich bin
jetzt schon öfters auf dieses Wort gestosse, weiss aber jetzt nicht so
recht was ich damit anfangen soll.



[ Prophezeiungen & Aktuelles Weltgeschehen ]