Chips unter Haut bereits in Spanien?
Geschrieben von JoeKaiser am 19. Mai 2004 19:11:51:
Als Antwort auf: NACHRICHTEN (Mittwoch, 19.05.2004) (o.T.) geschrieben von einniemand am 19. Mai 2004 09:04:09:
Chip unter Haut: Falls ich damit gegen irgendwelche copy-rights stoße dann bitte löschen (lassen)
A Spanish nightclub is giving guests the chance to pay for drinks and admission using a tiny microchip implanted under the skin.
By waving the part of the body containing the chip over a scanner, money is automatically deducted from their bank accounts.
The 'VeriChip', a Radio Frequency Identification chip made by a US company, will mean regular clubbers at the Baja Beach Club in Barcelona will no longer have to wait in queue to pay to get in.
And it doesn't even have to be implanted into the hand - clubbers can have the chip injected into any part of their body, as long as they are able to flash it in front of the scanner.
The nightclub has now turned Tuesday nights into Implant Night where guests can be chipped in between drinking and dancing.
Makers of the chip, US based Applied Digital Solutions (ADS), said they believed the tiny gadget could even replace credit cards in the future or be used to store medical or security data.