11.Mai bis 11.Juni: "Heiße Zeit" - Event Risk!

Geschrieben von YingYang am 10. Mai 2004 23:45:20:

Hab ich mir in den letzten 24 Stunden erarbeitet und nun an paar Chicagoer Medien verschickt:

Nuclear attack in Chicago?!
Given time frame: 5/11/04 - 6/11/04

There are more and more May 11th claims. They came in recent weeks and there seem to be some cases in which the sources are unrelated to each other, at least there are claims of independent knowledge of the date. One source speaks of a specific target: Chicago CBOT

So, here is my time frame:

5/11 - 6/11

In my opinion 6/11 is still more "dangerous" because it fits in the 911-cycle and the 23-cycle.

Summary -- 9/11 cycle
911 is often seen as a number in historical terms which starts an historival process or shows some kind of links between them.

-911 years after the birth of prophet Mohammed (570), muslims lost their last war in Spain
-911 years after the begin of muslim time chronology (622), the turks tried to invade Vienna, without success
-11/9/1923: Hitler-coup-attempt in Munich
-11/9/1938: Jewish materials arsened in Germany ("Reichsprogromnacht")
-9/11/1941: Begin of Pentagon build
-9/11/2001: US-Attacks
+911 days: Spain-Attacks (3/11/2004)
**qaida: Next US-Attack 90% ready
+91,1 days: 06/11/04
If fullfilled, 11-cycle would be finished (3-6-9).
-Nostradamus hint Century 9, Quatrain 11 (...scroll up...)

Lets do some Nostradamus stuff here:
Century 9, Quatrain 11: (Original)
"Le iuste mort a` tort a` mort l´on viendra mettre
Publiquement du lieu esteint:
Si grande peste en ce lieu viendra naistre,
Que les iugeans fuyr seront contraints."

"Wrongly will they come to put the just one to death,
In public and in the middle extinguished:
So great a pestilence will come to arise in this place,
That the judges will be forced to flee."
"Wrongly will they come to put the just one to death"

= US (they=the judge)) went into Iraq with false evidence (wrongly), "the just one to death"

"In public and in the middle extinguished":

= In public = Media event; middle=middle of US soil (Chicago??), exstinguished (large attack?

"So great a pestilence will come to arise in this place"

= Radioactive fallout (nuclear attack)

"That the judges will be forced to flee"

US to leave Iraq.

, fits with qaida-Metaphoric of "Black wind of death".

The 23-Cycle:
23 is the number known to relate to a illuminati-like group.

23: 2 + 3 = 5 (5 ~ penatade or pentagon, used in occultism to evoke satan). Speaking of satan: 2/3 = 0,666...

Connection to 911?

9/11/01 or 9 11 2001: 9 + 11 + 2 + 1 = 23
6/11/04 or 6 11 2004: 6 + 11 + 2 + 4 = 23

I checked calendar: 6/11 is a friday, 5th day of the 23rd week of 2004

To include todays stock market action:

-Global sell-off
-Various markets were down more than 5% (in Asia and Latin America)
-"Big markets" down 1 to 4%

remarkable: Market breath at the NYSE was spectacular today: At one point there 11.23 loser stocks to 1 winner stocks. Last time it was so extreme was 10/27/1997. The put-call ratio was also amazing.

So there´s a generally a very depressive mood and there might be some guys in the market who also expect (or have knowledge??) of events in the coming weeks.

Back to the June 11th. I checked the political calender. From June 8-10 there will be a G-8 meeting in a remote area in Georgia (State-USA), Bush gonna be there as well as the other world leaders.
Have a odd feeling about that.

in luv,
Solaris (ein weiterer Forennahme von mir)

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