Pay addicts not to have children

Geschrieben von offthspc am 14. März 2004 13:26:26:

Als Antwort auf: NACHRICHTEN 14.03.2004 (owT) geschrieben von offthspc am 14. März 2004 13:11:42:

'Pay addicts not to have children'

The professor has called for action on addicted parents
Women drug addicts should be paid to take contraception to stop them having children, according to a drugs expert.

Professor Neil McKeganey, from the Centre for Drug Misuse Research, said there was a crisis in meeting the needs of children born to drug using mothers.

The professor has called for a system where women are paid to take long-term contraception to prevent pregnancies.

Campaign group Scotland Against Drugs called for more support services and warned against infringing human rights.

Prof McKeganey surveyed 1,000 drug users and found that more than 60% of addicted mothers and 85% of addicted fathers no longer looked after their children.

He said the situation must change and blamed the "chaotic lifestyles" of addicts for the problem and its effects on children.

We now have such a crisis in Scotland that we ought to give active consideration to paying female drug users to take long-term contraception

Professor Neil McKeganey
Centre for Drug Misuse Research
His research suggests that more than 50,000 children in Scotland have been exposed to drug addiction at home.

It found a number had even woken up to find their parents had died from an overdose while others had had their Christmas presents sold to pay for drugs.

"It does look as if, in many instances, female drug users are becoming pregnant not because they want to but because of the sheer chaos of their lifestyle," he said.

He said that in parts of the United States, female drug users were given government cash to take long-term contraception, such as injections.

mehr vom Bericht und die Quelle:bbc

Tolle Idee, und soooo human.

Kann man auch noch erweitern auf:

Alkoholiker: Saufen schädigt das Erbgut
Raucher: Nikotin ebenfalls
Arbeitslose: Die sollen erstmal was arbeiten anstatt zu poppen.
Mittellose: Wer seinen Kindern nichts bieten kann, soll auch keine bekommen.
Rechte und Faschos: Man darf Kindern echt nicht zumuten mit solchen Ideologien aufzuwachsen.

Und am Besten die Geldzahlungen aller Sozialleistungen an Bedürftige von dieser "no children for ..." Politik abhängig machen.

Um Kosten zu sparen könnte man "hoffnungslose" Fälle auch zwangssterilisieren...

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