
Geschrieben von mica am 02. März 2004 17:41:37:

Grüß euch,

hier der Link zu "Great Dreams", eine großartige Sammlung diverser Schauungen und Traumbilder. Viele hier kennen die Seite wohl schon.

Auszugsweise hier die Sicht von zwei Sehern, Scallion und Booth, den September 04 sollten wir im Auge behalten (Astro??):

David Booth - proven psychic- had a vision in March of 2003. He saw himself in space,
looking down on the earth. He saw a dark, planetary object coming from the south end
of earth - out of the southern Hemisphere. As this planetary object came past earth,
the size of which would fit between the earth and the moon - he saw the western end of
the U.S. blow up with fire and blasts of smoke and ash. From there, the whole earth
rippled. Yellowstone had blown up.

Gordon Michael Scallion (psychic)- on March 16, 2003 - had a vision that two lightbeings
showed him that Wyoming and Utah were glowing red. The lightbeings said, "This will
change the world in 18 months." (18 months from March 16, 2003 = September, 2004)

Andererseits wird die Situation vor Ort nicht so dramatisch "gefühlt" - siehe Mailantworten weiter unten im Link.

Muss leider weg
